Open Access Policy: Numbers, Analysis, Effectiveness

Stevan Harnad amsciforum at GMAIL.COM
Thu Apr 9 07:36:17 EDT 2015

Swan, Alma, Gargouri, Yassine, Hunt, Megan and Harnad, Stevan (2015) Open
Access Policy: Numbers, Analysis, Effectiveness. *Pasteur4OA Work Package 3
report: Open Access policies *

The PASTEUR4OA project analyses what makes an Open Access (OA) policy
effective. The total number of institutional or funder OA policies
worldwide is now 663 (March 2015), over half of them mandatory. ROARMAP,
the policy registry, has been rebuilt to record more policy detail and
provide more extensive search functionality. Deposit rates were measured
for articles in institutions' repositories and compared to the total number
of WoS-indexed articles published from those institutions. Average deposit
rate was over four times as high for institutions with a mandatory policy.
Six positive correlations were found between deposit rates and (1)
Must-Deposit; (2) Cannot-Waive-Deposit; (3)
Deposit-Linked-to-Research-Evaluation; (4) Cannot-Waive-Rights-Retention;
 (5) Must-Make-Deposit-OA (after allowable embargo) and (6) Can-Waive-OA.
For deposit latency, there is a positive correlation between earlier
deposit and (7) Must-Deposit-Immediately as well as with (4)
Cannot-Waive-Rights-Retention and with mandate age. There are not yet
enough OA policies to test whether still further policy conditions would
contribute to mandate effectiveness but the present findings already
suggest that it would be useful for current and future OA policies to adopt
the seven positive conditions so as to accelerate and maximise the growth
of OA.
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