Faculty Position in Information and Library Science, Indiana University Bloomington

Katy Borner katy at INDIANA.EDU
Tue Sep 9 18:32:59 EDT 2014

*Indiana University***

*School of Informatics and Computing Bloomington***

*Faculty Position in Information and Library Science*

The School of Informatics and Computing at Indiana University, 
Bloomington, invites applications for a position beginning in Fall 2015 
in the Department of Information and Library Science (all subareas). 
This position is open at all levels (assistant, associate, or full 
professor).  Applications from senior leaders are especially encouraged.

The Department of Information and Library Science (ILS), formerly the 
School of Library and Information Science, has a long, successful 
history, having graduated over 8,000 students since it opened its doors 
in 1946. In 2013, U.S. News & World Report ranked the Bloomington 
Information and Library Science program eighth nationally 
The School of Informatics and Computing is the first of its kind and 
among the largest in the country, with unsurpassed breadth. Its mission 
is to excel and lead in education, research, and outreach spanning and 
integrating computing and information technologies. In addition to ILS, 
the School includes the Department of Computer Science and Informatics 
and has a total of over 85 faculty, 900 graduate students, and 1,100 
undergraduate majors on the Bloomington campus. _Faculty research areas_ 
include bibliometrics; big data; computer-mediated communication; data 
science; digital libraries; information organization, retrieval, and 
visualization; science studies; semantic web, social informatics; text 
mining; web science; and more. Graduate degrees offered in the School 
include Master's degrees in Bioinformatics, Computer Science, Human 
Computer Interaction Design, Information Science, Library Science, and 
Security Informatics, and Ph.D. degrees in Computer Science, 
Informatics, and Information Science. The School is also known for its 
strong undergraduate programs.

Indiana University Bloomington is a major public research university 
with over 2,000 faculty and over 45,000 students. The beautiful campus 
hosts 110 research centers and institutes, as well as a wide array of 
distinguished academic departments and schools. IU is renowned for its 
high-performance computing and networking facilities, top-ranked music 
school, and performing and fine arts. Located in the wooded rolling 
hills of southern Indiana, Bloomington is a culturally thriving college 
town with a moderate cost of living and the amenities for an active 

Basic qualifications: Applicants should have a Ph.D. in a relevant area 
(or for junior level, expected before August 2015) and an established 
record (senior level) or demonstrable potential for excellence in 
research and teaching (junior level).

Applicants should submit a curriculum vitae, statements of research and 
teaching, and names of three references (junior level), or six 
references (senior level) using the University's online system below 


or to Faculty Search, SoIC, 919 E 10^th Street, Bloomington, IN 47408.

For full consideration, completed applications must be received by 
December 1st, 2014.

Informal and confidential inquiries may be sent to the ILS Chair, Pnina 
Fichman, (fichman at indiana.edu <mailto:fichman at indiana.edu>), or to any 
of the members of the search committee: Katy Börner (katy at indiana.edu 
<mailto:katy at indiana.edu>), Susan Herring (herring at indiana.edu 
<mailto:herring at indiana.edu>), Howard Rosenbaum (hrosenbau at indiana.edu 
<mailto:hrosenbau at indiana.edu>).

/Indiana University is an equal employment and affirmative action 
employer and a provider of ADA services.  All qualified applicants will 
receive consideration for employment without regard to age, ethnicity, 
color, race, religion, sex, sexual orientation or identity, national 
origin, disability status or protected veteran status./

Katy Borner
Victor H. Yngve Professor of Information Science
Director, CI for Network Science Center, http://cns.iu.edu
Curator, Mapping Science exhibit, http://scimaps.org

ILS, School of Informatics and Computing, Indiana University
Wells Library 021, 1320 E. Tenth Street, Bloomington, IN 47405, USA
Phone: (812) 855-3256  Fax: -6166

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