Elsevier Metrics Development Program (UNCLASSIFIED)
Faget, Nancy G CIV USARMY ARL (US)
nancy.g.faget.civ at MAIL.MIL
Tue Sep 9 11:56:15 EDT 2014
Classification: UNCLASSIFIED
Caveats: NONE
Elsevier's Metrics Development Program - Call for submission -
Individuals or research groups conducting primary research or developing
software tools and algorithms aimed at capturing different levels of
scientific evaluation metrics are welcome to submit a proposal.
Visit the program website
With the proliferation and increasing availability of primary data, research
can be evaluated to a depth and extent previously unknown. This expanding
horizon, though exciting, can be challenging to those involved in the
process, including evaluators, administrators, researchers and others.
To advance research in this area, Elsevier has launched the Metrics
Development Program. This program provides collaborative infrastructure and
funding for the development of innovative approaches to scientific metrics
and indicators.
Disciplinary, program, institution or individual level indicators could
* Bibliometric indicators of research impact
* Altmetrics
* Emerging research topics indicators
* Indicators of regional or disciplinary scientific strengths
* Patents or technological indicators
* Multidimensional evaluative indicators combining different data
For more information about submissions and proposals, visit the program
website. <http://communications.elsevier.com/r/?id=h25db7ea,20a3a46,20a8f41>
Classification: UNCLASSIFIED
Caveats: NONE
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