University-Industry Research Connections 2014

Tijssen, R.J.W. Tijssen at CWTS.LEIDENUNIV.NL
Mon Sep 8 10:53:05 EDT 2014

CWTS recently launched its  University-Industry Research Connections 2014
UIRC2014 ...
*       is an online information tool with freely-available data on university-industry research cooperation worldwide. The statistical information is extracted from university-industry co-authored research articles (UICs) published in the Web of Science database in the years 2009-2012.
*       introduces four UIC performance indicators with data on the same set of 750 major research universities as our Leiden Ranking; it enables internationally comparative studies of university-industry research collaboration across the global landscape of science.
*       includes information on the geographical distribution of each university's corporate research partners; not only for all sciences in total, but also for various broad fields of science.

Visit for further information, scroll through the Excel data file, check out your university's UIRC profile, or to download the entire dataset.
The webpage includes a series of graphs (UIC maps) to show those scientific disciplines in which UICs are more frequent, indicating also some of the main corporate research partners in those domains.

For more information, please contact:
Robert Tijssen (, or Alfredo Yegros (
Center for Science and Technology Studies (CWTS), Leiden University, The Netherlands

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