382 researchers with an h-index of 100 or larger
Isidro F. Aguillo
isidro.aguillo at CCHS.CSIC.ES
Mon Oct 27 09:50:22 EDT 2014
A frequent criticism to the citation analysis stemmed from its alleged
inability to evaluate the results of social scientists in general and
the books as objects of scholarly communication in particular.
For several years I have been working with Google Scholar, an
alternative to the WoS and Scopus, and now I have evidence to show that
the alleged bias of bibliometrics is probably the result of an
incomplete and biased coverage of the sources used so far.
I just published a ranking of the all-time most cited scientists (of all
time) according to their public profiles in Google Scholar Citations. A
list of the 382 entries with an h-index of 100 or larger is here:
Although these profiles are built on a voluntary basis and it is far
from complete, there are at least two very relevant patterns observed
- A number of social scientists in positions of privilege. Some of the
deceased ones show that the "impact" of their work endures in time far
beyond 2 or 5 years.
- The books are achieving in many cases citations exceeding the several
thousand, so claiming their value as a tool for scientific communication
A not so obvious corollary is the need of increasing the visibility of
the output in Social Sciences and Humanities, profiting of the
capabilities offered by the Open Access repositories and the social
networks. Certainly not because of being under the new altmetrics
indicators but to increase the number of citations and to reduce the
time delay in the recognition of the contributions.
Isidro F. Aguillo, HonDr.
The Cybermetrics Lab, IPP-CSIC
Grupo Scimago
Madrid. SPAIN
isidro.aguillo at csic.es
ORCID 0000-0001-8927-4873
ResearcherID: A-7280-2008
Scholar Citations SaCSbeoAAAAJ
Twitter @isidroaguillo
Rankings Web webometrics.info
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