Invitation to serve as a client for the Information Visualization MOOC at IU
Katy Borner
Thu Nov 13 13:10:34 EST 2014
Dear all,
We are excited to announce that the Information Visualization MOOC will
be taught again in Spring semester 2015 (visit
<> to see the 2014 version of the course and a list
of 2014 clients and projects <>).
Student’s learn the theoretical and technical skills to create
information visualizations, and then given the opportunity to work with
real-world clients and data as a team.
You are invited to submit a client project that takes advantage of our
students’ diverse skills in programming, design, data analysis and
mining, and visualization. We are looking for well-defined projects that
can be completed within seven weeks by teams of 4-5 students. Clients
are responsible for three tasks:
* Provide detailed description of your project and research goals,
share data, and state the conditions under which students may
publish results, and/or add project results on their resume.
* At project launch, clients need to answer 5-10 questions that
students might have about the project and data.
* At the end of the project, clients are asked to rate—on a scale of 1
(low) to 5 (highest quality)—the resulting information
visualizations of your data, and provide short feedback to students.
As a client, you are welcome to interact in a more substantial ways with
any of the student teams.
If you are interested in exploring this unique opportunity, please
complete the application form at ****by *November
21, 2014.* Let us know if you have questions but keep subject header.
Thank you for considering and best regards,
Michael Ginda and Katy Börner
Katy Borner
Victor H. Yngve Professor of Information Science
Director, CI for Network Science Center,
Curator, Mapping Science exhibit,
ILS, School of Informatics and Computing, Indiana University
Wells Library 021, 1320 E. Tenth Street, Bloomington, IN 47405, USA
Phone: (812) 855-3256 Fax: -6166
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