ODIN Webinar - Tuesday June 3rd

Patricia Sigrid Herterich patricia.herterich at CERN.CH
Wed May 28 12:45:27 EDT 2014

--- apologies for cross-posting, but we hope you find this interesting---

The ORCID and DataCite Interoperability Network (ODIN) project team is pleased to invite you to join their latest technical webinar.

WHAT: A webinar showcasing the latest tools building on ORCID and DataCite Persistent Identifiers (PIDs) and connections between them. There will be demos and presentations from members of the ODIN team, including:

Laura Paglione and Josh Brown (ORCID)
Sebastian Peters (DataCite, TIB)
Laura Rueda Garcia (CERN).

WHEN: Tuesday June 3rd, at 0930 (EDT)/1430 (BST)/1530 (CEST)

WHY: This is  an opportunity for any developers interested in working with ORCID, DataCite or  other PIDs to learn about the  data available, gain insight into the latest tools and services being built on this data and to question the teams working to advance the state of the art.

HOW: Please register for the webinar at:


After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.

For more information about the ODIN project, look out for our teams at Open Repositories in Helsinki, or see the project website at:


The ODIN project is funded by the European Union under the FP7 Seventh Framework Programme for Research and Technological Development.
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