Montreal Summer Institute on Web Science and the Mind

Katy Borner katy at INDIANA.EDU
Mon May 12 23:32:18 EDT 2014

PRELIMINARY PROGRAM -- April 30^th  2014*
*Summer School in Cognitive Science 2014*
*JULY 7^th  to 18^th  2014*
*Universite du Quebec a Montreal*
*Montreal, Canada*
*- - - - - _MONDAY, JULY 7_    - - - - -
*9am to 12:30pm* Registration
*3pm***Welcoming Ceremony
*3:15pm*Opening Session
*Web Science *//
*DAME WENDY HALL*, University of Southampton
/Overview & Readings/ 

**- - - - - *_TUESDAY, JULY 8_**    - - - - -*
*Web Philosophy*
*ALEXANDRE MONNIN*, Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et 
Automatique (INRIA) Sophia Antipolis
**/Overview & Readings/ 
*Web Semantics*//
*HARRY HALPIN*, University of Edinburgh, Institute of Communicating and 
Collaborating Systems, School of Informatics
/Overview & Readings 
*Coffee Break 11am to 11:30am*
*Web and Brain*
*JEFF STIBEL*, Dun & Bradstreet Credibility Corp
/Overview & Readings 

*Lunch time 12:30pm to 2pm*
*Towards a Global Brain: the Web as a Self-organizing, Distributed 
*FRANCIS HEYLIGHEN*, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, ECCO - Evolution, 
Complexity and Cognition research group
//Overview & Readings/ 
<> /
*Computational Models for Web Science*
*PHIL TETLOW*, IBM United Kingdom Limited
/Overview & Readings/ 
*Coffee Break 4pm to 4:30pm*
Summary and discussion of day's sessions
Poster Session and Cocktail
**- - - - - *_WEDNESDAY, JULY 9_**    - - - - -*
*Open Science and the Web*
*TONY HEY*, Microsoft Research Connections
/Overview & Readings/ 
*Scientific Interaction Before and Since the Web*
*VINCENT LARIVIERE*, Universite du Quebec a Montreal
/Overview & Readings/ 
*Coffee Break 11am to 11:30am*
*Scholarly Big Data: Information Extraction and Data Mining*
*LEE GILES*, Pennsylvania State University
/Overview & Readings/ 
*Lunch time 12:30pm to 2pm*
*Web Impact Metrics for Research Assessment*
*KAYVAN KOUSHA*, University of University of, Statistical Cybermetrics 
Research Group, School of Technology
/Overview & Readings/ 
*Coffee Break 4pm to 4:30pm*
Summary and discussion of day's sessions
**- - - - - *_THURSDAY, JULY 10_**    - - - - -*
*Graphic Webs of Science*
*KATY BORNER*, Indiana University, Department of Information and Library 
Science <>
/Overview & Readings/ 

*10 am to 11am*
*Visualizing Dynamic Interactions*
*JEAN-DANIEL FEKETE*, Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et 
Automatique (INRIA) Saclay - ile-de-France
/Overview & Readings/ 
*Coffee Break 11am to 11:30am*
*New Models of Scholarly Communication for Digital Scholarship
*STEPHEN GRIFFIN*, University of Pittsburgh, School of Information Science
/Overview & Readings/ 

*Lunch time 12:30pm to 2pm*
*Network Ready Research: The Role of Open Source and Open Thinking*
*CAMERON NEYLON*, PLOS (Public Library of Science)
/Overview & Readings/ 
*Collaborative Innovation Networks*
*PETER GLOOR*, MIT Center for Collective Intelligence
/Overview & Readings/ 
*Coffee Break 4pm to 4:30pm*
Summary and discussion of day's sessions
**- - - - - *_FRIDAY, JULY 11_**    - - - - -*
*Computational Models for Web Science*
*ROBERT GOLDSTONE*, Indiana University, Department of Psychology
/Overview & Readings
*Coffee Break 11am to 11:30am*
*Social and Semantic Web: Adding the Missing Links***
*FABIEN GANDON*, INRIA Research Center of Sophia-Antipolis
**/Overview & Readings/ 
*Lunch time 12:30pm to 2pm*
*2pm to 4pm*
Optional meetings for students
*Coffee Break 4pm to 4:30pm*
Summary and discussion of day's sessions
**- - - - - *_MONDAY, JULY 14_**    - - - - -*
*Explosive Percolation*
*SERGEY DOROGOVTSEV*, Universidade de Aveiro
/Overview & Readings/ 
*Bursts, Cascades, and Time Allocation*
*ADILSON MOTTER*, Northeastern University, Physics of Complex Systems 
and Networks
/Overview & Readings
/ <>
*Coffee Break 11am to 11:30am*
*Controllability and Observability of Complex Systems
**YANG-YU LIU*, Northeastern University, Center for Complex Network 
Research, Physics Department
/Overview & Readings/ 

*Lunch time 12:30pm to 2pm*
*The Social Web
**JENNIFER GOLBECK*, University of Maryland
/Overview & Readings/ 

*Collective Memory in Wikipedia*
*SIMON DeDEO*, Indiana University, Santa Fe Institute
/Overview & Readings/ 

*Coffee Break 4pm to 4:30pm*
Summary and discussion of day's sessions
**- - - - - *_TUESDAY, JULY 15_**    - - - - -*
*The Data Web*
*JIM HENDLER*, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Department of Computer 
& Readings 

*Foraging in the World, Mind and Online
**PETER TODD*, Indiana University, Department of Psychological and Brain 
**/Overview & Readings 

*Coffee Break 11am to 11:30am*
Macrocognition: Situated versus 
*BRYCE HUEBNER*, Georgetown University, Department of Philosophy**
/Overview & Readings/ 
*Lunch time 12:30pm to 2pm*
***Visual Analytics for Discovering Network Structure Beyond Communities*
*TAKASHI NISHIKAWA*, Northwestern University, Physics & Astronomy
////Overview & Readings/ 
*Detecting Communities in Complex Networks: Role of Degree Correlations
**FILIPPO RADICCHI*, Indiana University,  School of Informatics and 
**/Overview & Readings 

*Coffee Break 4pm to 4:30pm*
Summary and discussion of day's sessions
**- - - - - *_WEDNESDAY, JULY 16_**    - - - - -*
*Extended Mentality: What It Is and Why It Matters*
*MARK ROWLANDS*, Indiana University, Department of Psychological and 
Brain Sciences
/Overview & Readings/ 
*Coffee Break 11am to 11:30am*
*Transactive Memory and Distributed Cognitive Ecologies*
*JOHN SUTTON*, Macquarie University, Department of Cognitive Science
/Overview & Readings 

*Lunch time 12:30pm to 2pm*
*Knowledge Mining in Heterogeneous Information Networks*
*JIAWEY HAN*, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Department of 
Computer Science
/Overview & Readings 

*What is Cognition, and How Could it be Extended?*
*ROBERT RUPERT*, University of Colorado, Department of Philosophy
/Overview & Readings/ 
*Coffee Break 4pm to 4:30pm*
Summary and discussion of day's sessions
**- - - - - *_THURSDAY, JULY 17_**    - - - - -*
*Collective Intelligence: What is it?  How can we measure it?  And 
**increase it?*
*THOMAS MALONE*, MIT Sloan School of Management
/Overview & Readings/ 
*Coffee Break 11am to 11:30am*
*Socio-Technical Epistemology*
*JUDITH SIMON*, Institut fuer Technikfolgenabschuetzung und 
Systemanalyse (ITAS)
/Overview & Readings 

*Lunch time 12:30pm to 2pm*
*Domains and Dimensions of Group Cognition*
*GEORG THEINER*, Villanova University, Department of Philosophy
/Overview & Readings/ 
*Coffee Break 4pm to 4:30pm*
Summary and discussion of day's sessions
**- - - - - *_FRIDAY, JULY 18_    - - - - -**
*Closing day*
*[Talks TBA]


***KATY BORNER*, Indiana University, Department of Information and 
Library Science <>
*Graphic Webs of Science*
/[Overview to come]/
Light, R. P., Polley, D. E., & Borner, K. (2013). Open Data and Open 
Code for Big Science of Science Studies 
<>. ISSI.
Chen, Y., Borner, K., & Fang, S. (2013). Evolving collaboration networks 
in Scientometrics in 1978-2010: a micro-macro analysis 
/Scientometrics/, /95/(3), 1051-1070.

***SIMON DeDEO*, Indiana University, Santa Fe Institute
*Collective Memory in Wikipedia*
/[Overview to come]/
DeDeo, S. (2013). Collective Phenomena and Non-Finite State Computation 
in a Human Social System 
<>. /PloS one/, 
/8/(10), e75818.
Hooper, P. L., DeDeo, S., Caldwell Hooper, A. E., Gurven, M., & Kaplan, 
H. S. (2013). Dynamical Structure of a Traditional Amazonian Social 
Network <>. /Entropy/, 
/15/(11), 4932-4955.

***SERGEY DOROGOVTSEV*, Universidade de Aveiro
*Explosive Percolation*
/[Overview to come]/
da Costa, R. A., Dorogovtsev, S. N., Goltsev, A. V., & Mendes, J. F. F. 
(2010). Explosive percolation transition is actually continuous 
<>. /Physical review letters/, /105/(25), 
Dorogovtsev, S. N., & Mendes, J. F. F. (2001). Language as an evolving 
word web 
/Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series B: Biological 
Sciences/, /268/(1485), 2603-2606.

***JEAN-DANIEL FEKETE*, Institut National de Recherche en Informatique 
et Automatique (INRIA) Unite de Recherche Saclay - ile-de-France
*Visualizing Dynamic Interactions*
/[Overview to come]/
Wybrow, M., Elmqvist, N., Fekete, J. D., von Landesberger, T., van Wijk, 
J. J., & Zimmer, B. (2014). Interaction in the Visualization of 
Multivariate Networks 
In /Multivariate Network Visualization/ (pp. 97-125). Springer 
International Publishing.
Bach, B., Pietriga, E., & Fekete, J. D. (2014, April). Visualizing 
Dynamic Networks with Matrix Cubes 
<>. In /SICCHI 
Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI)/.

***FABIEN GANDON*, INRIA Research Center of Sophia-Antipolis
*Social and Semantic Web: Adding the Missing Links*
*/OVERVIEW:/*/ Since the mid-90s the Web re-opened in read-write mode 
and, almost as a side effect, paved the way to numerous new social media 
applications. Today, the Web is no longer perceived as a document system 
but as a virtual place where persons and software interact in mixed 
communities. These large scale interactions create many problems -- in 
particular, reconciling the formal semantics of computer science (e.g. 
logics, ontologies, typing systems, etc.) on which the Web architecture 
is built, with the soft semantics of people (e.g. posts, tags, status, 
etc.) on which the Web content is built. //Wimmics/ 
<>/, among other research labs, studies methods, 
models and algorithms to bridge formal semantics and social semantics on 
the Web. We focus on the characterization of typed graph formalisms to 
model and capture these different pieces of knowledge and hybrid 
operators to process them jointly. This talk will describe the basics of 
semantic web formalisms and introduce different initiatives using these 
frameworks to represent reason and support social media and social 
applications on the web./
Hasan, R., & Gandon, F. (2012). Explanation in the Semantic Web: a 
survey of the state of the art 
Aussenac-Gilles, N., & Gandon, F. (2013). From the knowledge acquisition 
bottleneck to the knowledge acquisition overflow: A brief French history 
of knowledge acquisition 
/Int. J. Hum.-Comput. Stud./,/71/(2), 157-165.

***LEE GILES*, Pennsylvania State University
*Scholarly Big Data: Information Extraction and Data Mining*
/[Overview to come]/
Caragea, C., Wu, J., Ciobanu, A., Williams, K., Fernandez-Ramrez, J., 
Chen, H. H., ... & Giles, L. (2014). CiteSeer x: A Scholarly Big Dataset 
<>. In /Advances in 
Information Retrieval/ (pp. 311-322). Springer International Publishing.
Flake, G. W., Lawrence, S., Giles, C. L., & Coetzee, F. M. (2002). 
Self-organization and identification of web communities 
/Computer/, /35/(3), 66-70.

***PETER GLOOR*, MIT Center for Collective Intelligence
*Collaborative Innovation Networks*
*/OVERVIEW:/*/ Every disruptive innovation is not the result of a lone 
inventor, but of a small group of likeminded individuals, working 
together in close collaboration to get their cool idea off the ground. 
They are leveraging the concept of swarm creativity, where this small 
team - the Collaborative Innovation Network (COIN) - empowered by the 
collaborative technologies of the Internet and social media, turns their 
creative labor of love into a product that changes the way how we think, 
work, or spend our day./
/This talk describes a series of ongoing projects at the MIT Center for 
Collective Intelligence with the goal of analyzing the new idea creation 
process through tracking human interaction patterns on three levels:/
/On the global level, macro- and microeconomic indicators such as the 
valuation of companies and consumer indices, or election outcomes, are 
predicted based on social media analysis on Twitter, Blogs, and 
Wikipedia. On the organizational level, productivity and creativity of 
companies and teams is measured through extracting 'honest signals' from 
communication archives such as company e-mail. On the individual level, 
individual and team creativity is analyzed through face-to-face 
interaction with sociometric badges and personal e-mail logs. //
/The talk introduces the concept of coolhunting, finding new trends by 
finding the trendsetters, and coolfarming, helping the trendsetters 
getting their idea over the tipping point. The talk also presents the 
concept of 'Virtual Mirroring', increasing individual and team 
creativity by analyzing and optimizing five inter-personal interaction 
variables of honest communication: 'strong leadership', 'rotating 
leaders', 'balanced contribution', 'fast response', and 'honest sentiment.'/
Gloor, P. A., Krauss, J., Nann, S., Fischbach, K., & Schoder, D. (2009, 
August). Web science 2.0: Identifying trends through semantic social 
network analysis 
<>. In 
/Computational Science and Engineering, 2009. CSE'09. International 
Conference on/ (Vol. 4, pp. 215-222). IEEE.
Kleeb, R., Gloor, P. A., Nemoto, K., & Henninger, M. (2012). Wikimaps: 
dynamic maps of knowledge 
/International Journal of Organisational Design and Engineering/, 
/2/(2), 204-224.
/ <>/

***JENNIFER GOLBECK*, University of Maryland
*The Social Web*
/[Overview to come]/
Golbeck, J. (2013). /Analyzing the social web/. Newnes.
Golbeck, J., Robles, C., Edmondson, M., & Turner, K. (2011, October). 
Predicting personality from twitter 
In /Privacy, security, risk and trust (passat), 2011 ieee third 
international conference on and 2011 ieee third international conference 
on social computing (socialcom)/ (pp. 149-156). IEEE.

***ROBERT GOLDSTONE*, Indiana University, Department of Psychology
*Computational Models for Web Science*
/[Overview to come]/
Wisdom, T. N., Song, X., & Goldstone, R. L. (2013). Social Learning 
Strategies in Networked Groups 
/Cognitive science/, /37/(8), 1383-1425.
Theiner, G., Allen, C., & Goldstone, R. L. (2010). Recognizing group 
/Cognitive Systems Research/, /11/(4), 378-395.

***STEPHEN GRIFFIN*, University of Pittsburgh, School of Information Science
*New Models of Scholarly Communication for Digital Scholarship*

*/OVERVIEW:/*///Contemporary research and scholarship increasingly uses 
large-scale datasets and computationally intensive processing.  Cultural 
shifts in the scholarly community challenge long-standing of academic 
institutions and call into question the efficacy and fairness of 
traditional models of scholarly communication. Scholars are also calling 
for greater authority in the publication of their works and rights 
management.  Agreement is growing on how best to manage and share 
massive amounts of diverse and complex information objects.  Open 
standards and technologies allow interoperability across institutional 
repositories.  Content level interoperability based on semantic web and 
linked open data standards is becoming more common.   Information 
research objects are increasingly thought of as social as well as data 
objects - promoting knowledge creation and sharing and possessing 
qualities that promote new forms of scholarly arrangements and 
collaboration. This talk will present alternative paths for expanding 
the scope and reach of digital scholarship and robust models of 
scholarly communication necessary for full reporting.  The overall goals 
are to increase research productivity and impact, and to give scholars a 
new type of intellectual freedom of expression./

Franzoni, C., & Sauermann, H. (2014). Crowd science: The organization of 
scientific research in open collaborative projects 
/Research Policy/, /43/(1), 1-20.** (from Internet Archive Wayback 
Machine) <>

***DAME WENDY HALL*, University of Southampton

*Web Science */
[Overview to come]/
O'Hara, K., Contractor, N. S., Hall, W., Hendler, J. A., & Shadbolt, N. 
(2013). Web Science: understanding the emergence of macro-level features 
on the World Wide Web 
/Foundations and Trends in Web Science/, /4/(2-3), 103-267.
Tiropanis, T., Hall, W., Shadbolt, N., De Roure, D., Contractor, N., & 
Hendler, J. (2013). The Web Science Observatory 
/IEEE Intelligent Systems/, /28/(2), 100-104.

***HARRY HALPIN*, University of Edinburgh, Institute of Communicating 
and Collaborating Systems, School of Informatics
*Web Semantics*
/[Overview to come]/
Hui, Y., & Halpin, H. (2013). Collective individuation: the future of 
the social web 
/The Unlike Us Reader/, 103-116.
Halpin, H., Robu, V., & Shepherd, H. (2007, May). The complex dynamics 
of collaborative tagging 
In /Proceedings of the 16th international conference on World Wide 
Web/ (pp. 211-220). ACM.

***JIAWEY HAN*, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Department 
of Computer Science
*Knowledge Mining in Heterogeneous Information Networks*
*/OVERVIEW:/*/ People and informational objects are interconnected, 
forming gigantic, interconnected, integrated information networks.  By 
structuring these data objects into multiple types, such networks become 
semi-structured heterogeneous information networks.  Most real world 
applications that handle big data, including interconnected social media 
and social networks, medical information systems, online e-commerce 
systems, or database systems, can be structured into typed, 
semi-structured, heterogeneous information networks.  For example, in a 
medical care network, objects of multiple types, such as patients, 
doctors, diseases, medication, and links such as visits, diagnosis, and 
treatments are intertwined together, providing rich information and 
forming heterogeneous information networks.  Effective construction, 
exploration and analysis of large-scale heterogeneous information 
networks poses an interesting but critical challenge./
/In this talk, we present principles, methodologies and algorithms for 
mining in heterogeneous social and information networks and show that 
mining typed, heterogeneous networks is a promising research frontier in 
data mining research.  Departing from many existing network models that 
view data as homogeneous graphs or networks, the semi-structured 
heterogeneous information network model leverages the rich semantics of 
typed nodes and links in a network and can uncover surprisingly rich 
knowledge from interconnected data.  This heterogeneous network modeling 
will lead to the discovery of a set of new principles and methodologies 
for mining and exploring interconnected data, such as rank-based 
clustering and classification, meta path-based similarity search, and 
meta path-based link/relationship prediction.  We will also discuss our 
recent progress on construction of quality semi-structured heterogeneous 
information networks from unstructured data and point out some promising 
research directions./
Han, J., & Wang, C. (2014). Mining Latent Entity Structures from Massive 
Unstructured and Interconnected Data 
Ren, X., Wang, Y., Yu, X., Yan, J., Chen, Z., & Han, J. (2014). 
Heterogeneous Graph-Based Intent Learning with Queries, Web Pages and 
Wikipedia Concepts <>.

***JIM HENDLER*, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Department of 
Computer Science
*The Data Web*
/[Overview to come]/
Hendler, J., & Berners-Lee, T. (2010). From the Semantic Web to social 
A research challenge for AI on the World Wide Web. /Artificial 
Intelligence/, /174/(2), 156-161.
Shadbolt, N., Hall, W., Hendler, J. A., & Dutton, W. H. (2013). Web 
science: a new frontier 
<>. /Philosophical 
Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and 
Engineering Sciences/, /371/(1987), 20120512.
Hendler, J. (2014). Big data meets computer science. /Journal of 
Computing Sciences in Colleges/, /29/(6), 5-6.

***TONY HEY*, Microsoft Research Connections
*Open Science and the Web*
*/OVERVIEW:/*/ Turing award winner, Jim Gray, envisioned a world where 
all research literature and all research data were online and 
interoperable. He believed that such a distributed, global digital 
library could significantly increase the research "information velocity" 
and improve the scientific productivity of researchers. The last decade 
has seen significant progress in the move towards open access to 
scholarly research publications and the removal of barriers to access 
and re-use. But barrier-free access to the literature alone only 
scratches the surface of what the revolution of data intensive science 
promises. Recently, in the US, the White House has called for federal 
agencies to make all research outputs (publications and data) openly 
available. But in order to make this effort effective, researchers need 
better tools to capture and curate their data, and Jim Gray called for 
'letting 100 flowers bloom' when it came to research data tools. 
Universities have the opportunity and obligation to cultivate the next 
regeneration of professional data scientists who can help define, build, 
manage, and preserve the necessary data infrastructure. This talk will 
cover some of the recent progress made in open access and open data, and 
will discuss some of the opportunities ahead./
Fox, G., Hey, T., & Trefethen, A. (2013). Where Does All the Data Come 
/Data-Intensive Science/, 115.
Hey, T. (2010). The next scientific revolution 
/Harv Bus Rev/, /88/(11), 56-63.
The Fourth Paradigm: Data-Intensive Scientific Discovery Book 2009 

***FRANCIS HEYLIGHEN*, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, ECCO - Evolution, 
Complexity and Cognition research group
*Towards a Global Brain: the Web as a Self-organizing, Distributed 
*/OVERVIEW:/*/ Distributed intelligence is an ability to solve problems 
and process information that is not localized inside a single person or 
computer, but that emerges from the coordinated interactions between a 
large number of people and their technological extensions. The Internet 
and in particular the World-Wide Web form a nearly ideal substrate for 
the emergence of a distributed intelligence that spans the planet, 
integrating the knowledge, skills and intuitions of billions of people 
supported by billions of information-processing devices. This 
intelligence becomes increasingly powerful through a process of 
self-organization in which people and devices selectively reinforce 
useful links, while rejecting useless ones. This process can be modeled 
mathematically and computationally by representing individuals and 
devices as agents, connected by a weighted directed network along which 
"challenges" propagate. Challenges represent problems, opportunities or 
questions that must be processed by the agents to extract benefits and 
avoid penalties. Link weights are increased whenever agents extract 
benefit from the challenges propagated along it. My research group is 
developing such a large-scale simulation environment in order to better 
understand how the web may boost our collective intelligence. The 
anticipated outcome of that process is a "global brain", i.e. a nervous 
system for the planet that would be able to tackle both global and 
personal problems./
Heylighen, F. (2014). Return to Eden? Promises and Perils on the Road to 
a Global Superintelligence 
<>. /The End of 
the Beginning: Life, Society and Economy on the Brink of the 
Singularity, B. Goertzel and T. Goertzel, Eds/.
Heylighen, F. (2013). Self-organization in Communicating Groups: the 
emergence of coordination, shared references and collective intelligence 
<>. In /Complexity 
Perspectives on Language, Communication and Society/ (pp. 117-149). 
Springer Berlin Heidelberg.

***BRYCE HUEBNER*, Georgetown University, Department of Philosophy
*Macrocognition: Situated versus Distributed*
*/OVERVIEW:/*/ 'Macrocognition' has two distinct, but closely related 
meanings. Cacciabue and Hollnagel (1995) introduced it to denote the 
study of cognition in realistic tasks, where people interact with 
various forms of environmental and social scaffolding; Klein and 
colleagues also used it to understand how people manage uncertainty and 
make sense of real world environments. I introduced a second use 
(Huebner 2014) as shorthand for system-level cognition implemented by 
integrated networks of specialized computational mechanisms, whether in 
individuals or groups. Macrocognition has one sense that's closer to 
'situated or extended cognition' and another that's closer to 
'distributed or collective cognition' but they are often conflated. 
There are important differences between the hypothesis of collective 
cognition (HCC) and the hypothesis of extended cognition (HEC). Recent 
work on situated and collective memory and philosophical approaches to 
coordination and planning suggest that HCC is more plausible if we 
abandon HEC in favor of an 'ontologically thinner' approach to situated 
cognition. There is a form of collective planning distinct from the 
planning that relies on web-based technologies and other forms of social 
scaffolding. Distinguishing two forms of macrocognition, one situated 
the other distributed, can help us to make sense of a number of 
theoretically and empirically interesting phenomena./
Cacciabue, P. C., & Hollnagel, E. (1995). Simulation of cognition: 
Applications (pp. 55-73). Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
Huebner, B., Bruno, M., & Sarkissian, H. (2010). What does the nation of 
China think about phenomenal states? 
/Review of Philosophy and Psychology/, /1/(2), 225-243.
Huebner, B. (2011). Genuinely collective emotions 
/European Journal for Philosophy of Science/, /1/(1), 89-118.
Huebner, B. (2014). /Macrocognition: A Theory of Distributed Minds and 
Collective Intentionality/. Oxford University Press.
Klein, G., Ross, K. G., Moon, B. M., Klein, D. E., Hoffman, R. R., & 
Hollnagel, E. (2003). Macrocognition 
/Intelligent Systems, IEEE/, 18(3), 81-85.

***KAYVAN KOUSHA*, University of University of, Statistical Cybermetrics 
Research Group, School of Technology
*Web Impact Metrics for Research Assessment*
/[Overview to come]/
Thelwall, M., Vaughan, L., & Bjorneborn, L. (2005). Webometrics 
/ARIST/, /39/(1), 81-135.
Kousha, K., & Thelwall, M. (2007). Google Scholar citations and Google 
Web/URL citations: A multi‐discipline exploratory analysis 
<>. /Journal of the American 
Society for Information Science and Technology/, /58/(7), 1055-1065.
****VINCENT LARIVIERE*, Universite du Quebec a Montreal
*Scientific Interaction Before and Since the Web*
/[Overview to come]/
Wallace, M. L., Lariviere, V., & Gingras, Y. (2012). A small world of 
citations? The influence of collaboration networks on citation practices 
<>. /PloS one/, 
/7/(3), e33339.
Lariviere, V., Gingras, Y., & Archambault, E. (2006). Canadian 
collaboration networks: A comparative analysis of the natural sciences, 
social sciences and the humanities 
/Scientometrics/,/68/(3), 519-533.
Bollen, J., Van de Sompel, H., Hagberg, A., & Chute, R. (2009). A 
principal component analysis of 39 scientific impact measures 
<>. /PloS one/, /4/(6), 
***YANG-YU LIU*, Northeastern University, Center for Complex Network 
Research, Physics Department
*Controllability and Observability of Complex Systems*
*/OVERVIEW:/*/ The ultimate proof of our understanding of complex 
systems is reflected in our ability to control them. Although control 
theory offers mathematical tools for steering engineered systems towards 
a desired state, a framework to control complex systems is lacking. In 
this talk I will show that many dynamic properties of complex systems 
can studied be quantitatively, via a combination of tools from control 
theory, network science and statistical physics. In particular, I will 
focus on two dual concepts, i.e. controllability and observability, of 
general complex systems. Controllability concerns our ability to drive 
the system from any initial state to any final state within finite time, 
while observability concerns the possibility of deducing the system's 
internal state from observing its input-output behavior. I will show 
that by exploring the underlying network structure of complex systems 
one can determine the driver (or sensor) nodes that with time-dependent 
inputs (or measurements) will enable us to fully control (or observe) 
the whole system. /
Liu, Y. Y., Slotine, J. J., & Barabasi, A. L. (2011). Controllability of 
complex networks 
/Nature/, /473/(7346), 167-173.
Zhao, C., Wang, W. X., Liu, Y. Y., & Slotine, J. J. (2014). Universal 
Symmetry in Complex Network Control 
<>. /arXiv preprint arXiv:1403.0041/.
***THOMAS MALONE*, MIT Sloan School of Management
*Collective Intelligence: What is it?  How can we measure it?  And how 
can we increase it?*
*/OVERVIEW:/*/ This talk will describe how the same statistical 
techniques used to measure intelligence in individuals can be used to 
measure the "collective intelligence" of groups.  We find that, just as 
with individuals, a single statistical factor can predict the 
performance of a group on a wide range of different tasks.  This factor 
is only weakly correlated with the group members' individual 
intelligence.  It is, however, correlated with the group members' social 
perceptiveness, conversational behavior, and gender./
/The talk will also include brief overviews of other work to increase 
collective intelligence by: (a) combining predictions from humans and 
computers, (b) mapping the "genome" of collective intelligence, and (c) 
harnessing the collective intelligence of thousands of people around the 
world to develop proposals for what to do about global climate change./
Bernstein, A., Klein, M., & Malone, T. W. (2012). Programming the global 
brain <>. 
/Communications of the ACM/, /55/(5), 41-43.
Malone, T. W., Laubacher, R., & Dellarocas, C. (2010). The collective 
intelligence genome 
<>. /IEEE Engineering 
Management Review/, /38/(3), 38.
****ALEXANDRE MONNIN*, Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et 
Automatique (INRIA) Sophia Antipolis
*Web Philosophy*
/[Overview to come]/
Monnin, A., & Halpin, H. (2013). Toward a Philosophy of the Web: 
Foundations and Open Problems 
/Philosophical Engineering: Toward a Philosophy of the Web/, 1-20.
Monnin, A. (2013). /Vers une philosophie du Web: le Web comme 
devenir-artefact de la philosophie/ 
<>/ (entre 
URIs, tags, ontologie (s) et ressources)/ (Doctoral dissertation, 
Universite Pantheon-Sorbonne-Paris I).

***ADILSON MOTTER*, Northeastern University, Physics of Complex Systems 
and Networks
*Bursts, Cascades, and Time Allocation*
*/OVERVIEW:/*/ In this talk, I will present recent results on three 
distinct but related problems concerning Web Science and the Mind: 
bursts in the temporal distribution of words, cascading dynamics in 
diverse network systems, and human allocation of time. In each case I 
will discuss key properties, the principles governing these properties, 
and opportunities their modeling offers for monitoring and controlling 
complex behavior./
Cornelius, S. P., Kath, W. L., & Motter, A. E. (2013). Realistic control 
of network dynamics <>. /Nature 
communications/, /4/.
Altmann, E. G., Pierrehumbert, J. B., & Motter, A. E. (2009). Beyond 
word frequency: Bursts, lulls, and scaling in the temporal distributions 
of words 
/PLoS One/, /4/(11), e7678.
Motter, A. E. (2010). Nonlinear dynamics: Spontaneous synchrony breaking 
<>. /Nature 
Physics/, /6/(3), 164-165.

***CAMERON NEYLON*, PLOS (Public Library of Science)
*Network Ready Research: The Role of Open Source and Open Thinking*
*/OVERVIEW:/*/ The highest principle of network architecture design is 
interoperability. Metcalfe's Law says a network's value can scale as 
some exponent of the number of connections. Our job in building networks 
is to ensure that those connections are as numerous, operational, and 
//easy to create as possible. Informatics is a science of networks: of 
physical interactions, genetic control, degree of similarity, or 
ecological interactions, amongst many others. Informatics is also 
amongst the most networked of research communities and amongst the most 
open in the sharing of research papers, research data, tools, and even 
research in process in online conversations and writing. Lifting our 
gaze from the networks we work on to the networks we occupy is a 
challenge. Our human networks are messy and contingent and our machine 
networks clogged with things we can't use, even if we could access them. 
What principles can we apply to build our research to make the most of 
the network infrastructure we have around us. Where are the pitfalls and 
the opportunities? What will it take to configure our work so as to 
enable "network ready research"?/
Molloy, J. C. (2011). The open knowledge foundation: open data means 
better science <>. 
/PLoS biology/, /9/(12), e1001195.
Whyte, A., & Pryor, G. (2011). Open science in practice: Researcher 
perspectives and participation 
/International Journal of Digital Curation/, /6/(1), 199-213.**

***TAKASHI NISHIKAWA*, Northwestern University, Physics & Astronomy
*Visual Analytics Approach for Discovering Network Structure Beyond 
*/OVERVIEW: /*/To understand the formation, evolution, and function of 
complex systems, it is crucial to understand the internal organization 
of their interaction networks.  Partly due to the impossibility of 
visualizing large complex networks, resolving network structure remains 
a challenging problem.  In this talk, I will describe an approach that 
overcomes this difficulty by combining the visual pattern recognition 
ability of humans with the high processing speed of computers to develop 
an exploratory method for discovering groups of nodes characterized by 
common network properties, including but not limited to communities of 
densely connected nodes.  Without any prior information about the nature 
of the groups, the method simultaneously identifies the number of 
groups, the group assignment, and the properties that define these 
groups.  The results of applying our method to real networks suggest 
that most group structures lurk undiscovered in the fast-growing 
inventory of social, biological, and technological networks of 
scientific interest./
Nishikawa, T., & Motter, A. E. (2011). Discovering network structure 
beyond communities 
<>. /Scientific 
reports/, /1/.
Nishikawa, T., & Motter, A. E. (2010). Network synchronization landscape 
reveals compensatory structures, quantization, and the positive effect 
of negative interactions 
<>. /Proceedings of the 
National Academy of Sciences/, 107(23), 10342-10347.

***FILIPPO RADICCHI*, Indiana University, Center for Complex Networks 
and Systems Research, School
of Informatics and Computing
*Detecting Communities in Complex Networks: The Role of Degree Correlations*
/[Overview to come]/
Radicchi, F., Castellano, C., Cecconi, F., Loreto, V., & Parisi, D. 
(2004). Defining and identifying communities in networks 
<>. /Proceedings of the 
National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America/, /101/(9), 
Radicchi, F., & Castellano, C. (2013). Analysis of bibliometric 
indicators for individual scholars in a large data set 
<>. /Scientometrics/, /97/(3), 627-637.

***MARK ROWLANDS*, Indiana University, Department of Psychological and 
Brain Sciences
*Extended Mentality: What It Is and Why It Matters*
*/OVERVIEW:/*/ Does it matter if (some) mental processes extend into the 
subjects's environment. The notion of mattering is an elliptical one: 
something matters only to someone and in some way. A tacit assumption in 
the recent debate is that the question of whether mental processes 
extend should be decided by way of its implications for cognitive 
science. The persons to whom it matters and who should be charged with 
adjudicating the issue are, accordingly, cognitive scientists and 
philosophers of cognitive science. I shall argue against this 
assumption. What is really at stake is a philosophical vision of the 
nature of mentality that can, to a considerable extent, be 
elaborated independently of developments in cognitive science./
Rowlands, M. (2009). Enactivism and the extended mind 
/Topoi/, /28/(1), 53-62.
Rowlands, M. (2009). Extended cognition and the mark of the cognitive. 
/Philosophical Psychology/, /22/(1), 1-19.
Rowlands, M. (2010). /The new science of the mind/. Mit Press.
***ROBERT RUPERT*, University of Colorado, Department of Philosophy
*What is Cognition, and How Could it be Extended?*
*/OVERVIEW:/*/ Cognition is the overarching natural kind or property 
that distinctively contributes to the production of the proprietary 
phenomenon investigated by cognitive science, that is, intelligent 
behavior. On the ground, cognitive-scientific practice relies most 
fundamentally on modeling. Taken together, these two observations 
suggest a way to identify what it is for a process or state to be 
cognitive: abstract from the variety of forms of successful 
cognitive-scientific modeling. The central theoretical construct of 
cognitive science, the one common to all successful forms of 
cognitive-scientific modeling, is the relatively persisting, integrated 
system that moves through the world managing the agent's interaction 
with the environment when the agent behaves intelligently. I 
characterize the relevant form of integration more precisely, then ask 
(1) whether humans currently function as components in cognitive systems 
that include more than individual humans and (2) whether the idea of an 
integrated system can help us to decide whether to count as cognitive 
the processes occurring in creatures other than humans./
Rupert, R. D. (2011). Cognitive systems and the supersized mind 
<>. /Philosophical 
studies/, /152/(3), 427-436.
Rupert, R. D. (2009). /Cognitive systems and the extended mind/. Oxford 
University Press.


***JUDITH SIMON*, Institut fuer Technikfolgenabschuetzung und 
Systemanalyse (ITAS)
*Socio-Technical Epistemology*
/[Overview to come]/
Simon, J. (2010). The entanglement of trust and knowledge on the Web. 
/Ethics and Information Technology/, /12/(4), 343-355.
Simon, J. (2010). A Socio‐epistemological Framework for Scientific 
/Social Epistemology/, /24/(3), 201-218.
***JEFF STIBEL*, Dun & Bradstreet Credibility Corp
*Web and Brain***
/[Overview to come]/
Stibel, J. M. (2013). /Wired for Thought: How the Brain Is Shaping the 
Future of the Internet/. Harvard Business Press.
Stibel, J. (2013). /Breakpoint: Why the Web Will Implode, Search Will be 
Obsolete, and Everything Else You Need to Know about Technology is in 
Your Brain/. Macmillan.
Smith, N. The beginning of the end for the Internet 
<> (Stibel 
Book Interview)

***JOHN SUTTON*, Macquarie University, Department of Cognitive Science
*Transactive Memory and Distributed Cognitive Ecologies*
*/OVERVIEW:/*/ Does the internet alter the way we remember? What 
understanding of memory makes sense in light of our rich interactions 
with technologies and with other people? This presentation introduces 
theoretical and empirical work on distributed cognitive ecologies as a 
framework for addressing web science and the mind. It surveys recent 
accounts of the effect of new technologies on human memory, with a focus 
on transactive memory theory. It embeds recent empirical findings on the 
ways we remember in conjunction with each other and with online systems 
in a broader picture of socially distributed remembering. In place of 
metaphysical concerns about extended cognition and popular worries about 
the erosion of natural memory, it suggests a number of rich research 
possibilities for integrating the cognitive and social sciences./
Michaelian, K., & Sutton, J. (2013). Distributed cognition and memory 
research: History and current directions 
/Review of Philosophy and Psychology/, /4/(1), 1-24.
Sutton, J., Harris, C. B., Keil, P. G., & Barnier, A. J. (2010). The 
psychology of memory, extended cognition, and socially distributed 
/Phenomenology and the cognitive sciences/, /9/(4), 521-560.** 

***PHIL TETLOW*, IBM United Kingdom Limited

    *Computational Models for Web Science*

*/OVERVIEW:/*/ Web Science has matured considerably in recent years but 
we still don't really know where our train is heading. For fundamental 
research to work it has to be based on three principles: (1) invariance: 
an idea should translate across multiple frames of reference and 
applications;  (2) causality: some recognisable change should be evident 
from an idea's application in any given frame of reference; (3) 
singularity of metric: the effectiveness of any idea should be 
measurable using a context-free.  This presentation will describe early 
work done on applying the Invariance, Causality, Metric (ICM) framework 
to Web Science and its implications for other areas of study such as 
complexity theory, systems design and public safety./
Tetlow, P. (2012). /Understanding Information and Computation: From 
Einstein to Web Science/. Gower Publishing, Ltd..
Tetlow, P. D. (2007). /The Web's awake: An introduction to the field of 
Web Science and the concept of Web life/. John Wiley & Sons.

***GEORG THEINER*, Villanova University, Department of Philosophy
*Domains and Dimensions of Group Cognition*
/[Overview to come]/
Theiner, G., Allen, C., & Goldstone, R. L. (2010). Recognizing group 
/Cognitive Systems Research/, /11/(4), 378-395.
Theiner, G., & O'Connor, T. (2010). 5 The Emergence of Group Cognition 
/Emergence in science and philosophy/, /6/, 78.
Theiner, G. (2013) The 'Symbol Un-Grounding Problem' 

***PETER TODD*, Indiana University, Department of Psychological and 
Brain Sciences
*Foraging in the World, Mind and Online*
*/OVERVIEW:/*/ How do we decide when to search for something better and 
when to stick with what we've got?  People, like other organisms, must 
adaptively trade off between exploring and exploiting their environment 
to obtain the resources they need.  This applies to whatever space they 
are searching: whether the external spatial world, looking for patches 
of food; the social environment, looking for mates or friends; the 
internal mental environment, looking for concepts in memory; or the 
online environment, looking for information on the Web.  Common 
underlying mechanisms may be used to address the explore/exploit 
tradeoff in each of these domains.  People use similar heuristic 
strategies to decide when to keep looking and when to give up searching 
for resources in patches in space (e.g., for fish in a pond), in memory 
(e.g., for words in a category), and online (e.g., for useful Web 
pages), as predicted by optimal foraging theory.  Moreover, the 
connections between search in these domains may have deep evolutionary 
roots, built on the same underlying mechanisms, as indicated by studies 
showing that search in an external domain can prime subsequent search 
strategies in an internal domain.  In this talk, I will describe how new 
studies are uncovering these connections between spatial search and 
information search (as described in Cognitive Search: Evolution, 
Algorithms, and the Brain, Todd, Hills, and Robbins, eds.; MIT Press, 
Hills, T. T., Jones, M. N., & Todd, P. M. (2012). Optimal foraging in 
semantic memory 
/Psychological review/, /119/(2), 431.
Todd, P. M., Hills, T. T., & Robbins, T. W. (Eds.). (2012). /Cognitive 
search: Evolution, algorithms, and the brain/. MIT Press.
Sporns, O. (2011). The human connectome: a complex network 
/Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences/, /1224/(1), 109-125.

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