Keynote at DL2014 workshop on Knowledge Maps and Information Retrieval (KMIR)
Mutschke, Peter
Peter.Mutschke at GESIS.ORG
Wed Jun 4 11:32:01 EDT 2014
We are pleased to announce the keynote speaker for the KMIR<> workshop on Knowledge Maps and Information Retrieval (to be held as part of the International Conference on Digital Libraries 2014<>), London, 11th September:
Dr. André Skupin (San Diego State University) will give a keynote talk on Managing Domain Knowledge: Ontology, Visualization, and Beyond.
André Skupin<> (Ph.D., University at Buffalo) is a Professor of Geography at San Diego State University. Areas of interest and expertise include geographic visualization, visual data mining, information visualization, and spatio-temporal modeling. Skupin's work has been strongly interdisciplinary, aimed at increased cross-fertilization between geography, information science, and computer science. It has been published in such diverse outlets as the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, PLoS ONE, the Journal of Informetrics, and Pervasive and Mobile Computing. Aside from developing new methods for analyzing human mobility, demographic change, and environmental sensor data in n-dimensional attribute space, much of his research has addressed the question of how knowledge artifacts can be conceptualized and visualized. His approaches combine natural language processing and intense computation with geographic principles and cartographic techniques and have been applied to varied data sets, ranging from thousands of ICU medical records to tens of thousands of conference abstracts and millions of journal publications. André Skupin has served on the advisory board of the Places & Spaces project ( since its inception, and currently serves on the Board of Directors of the University Consortium for Geographic Information Science (UCGIS).
Abstract: Formal ontologies have become a standard staple of knowledge management, aiming to enumerate domain concepts and their relationships in a parsimonious manner amenable to digital storage and computational inference. This ontological approach is now converging with a long tradition of capturing domain knowledge in so-called Bodies of Knowledge (BoKs), in fields as diverse as project management, civil engineering, or business analysis. However, significant gaps remain when it comes to capturing the concepts and diverse practices of domain communities beyond giving voice to a small number of subject experts, as well as in envisioning the manner in which BoKs and ontologies can be usefully deployed. A team of researchers funded by the U.S. National Science Foundation recently developed a comprehensive approach to how a domain BoK could be conceptualized, collaboratively edited, stored, and visualized. Among the key proposals made is to turn a BoK from a hierarchically organized collection of domain topics into the foundation of an operational knowledge reference system. This in turn allows visualizations of the BoK to act as base maps supporting analytical operations inspired by geographic information systems (GIS). It then becomes possible to express relationships among domain artifacts (e.g., research articles, course syllabi, curricula vitae) and thereby among the actors and activities that produce and consume them, with natural language processing (NLP) playing a central role in operationalizing this vision. The resulting high-dimensional models of domain language can be leveraged within Web services and interactive visualizations, some of which will be featured in this presentation.
Please remember the deadline for paper submissions: Friday 4th July, 2014 (see submission instructions on workshop website:
Kind regards,
Peter Mutschke
Acting Head of Department
Dep. Knowledge Technologies for the Social Sciences (WTS)
GESIS - Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences
Unter Sachsenhausen 6-8
D-50667 Köln
Tel.: +49(0)221 / 47694 -500
Fax: +49(0)221 / 47694 -8500
Mail: peter.mutschke at<mailto:peter.mutschke at><>
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