Ranking Web of Repositories

Isidro F. Aguillo isidro.aguillo at CCHS.CSIC.ES
Tue Jul 22 11:34:59 EDT 2014

The new edition (July 2014) of the Ranking Web of Repositories has been 
just published


The ranking is published since 2008 and its main aim is to promote the 
Green Road to Open Access supporting and monitoring the evolution of 
thousands of repositories worldwide. The inclusion criteria are more 
demanding than those from other directories, as only repositories with 
their own web domain or subdomain are accepted.

Methodological criteria are maintained with minor changes from the 
previous edition. The Visibility indicator again incorporates altmetrics 
mentions from the following sources: Academia, Facebook, LinkedIn, 
Mendeley, ResearchGate, Slideshare, Twitter, Wikipedia (all editions), 
Wikipedia (English version) and YouTube. And now Scholar indicator is 
obtained by combining four variables obtained from Google Scholar: 
number of articles, published between 2009 and 2013, PDF files (with 
appropriate suffix) and pdf files dating from 2009 to 2013.

The most important innovation is the inclusion of ResearchGate, Academia 
and Mendeley in the Ranking of portals. It has been done to draw 
attention to a candidate problem, as certain authors are placing their 
papers on these websites instead of their own institutional 
repositories. The limited added value provided by the current generation 
of repository software and the slow implementation by repository 
managers of services like author profiles, metrics and other 
customization options are leading to an unfortunate trend that could 
mean those "competitors" will frustrate the objective of achieving 
comprehensive deposit of scientific production of the institution.

As for results, subject repositories continue to lead the table: 
Arxiv.org e-Print Archive, Social Science Research Network, Europe 
PubMed Central Research Papers in Economics. Several of the repositories 
implemented by HAL (France) and the combination of the various 
universities into a unique University of California repository are the 
main institutional highlights. Regarding Portals, the SciELO network 
shows the now global success of this initiative.

Isidro F. Aguillo, HonDr.
The Cybermetrics Lab, IPP-CSIC
Grupo Scimago
Madrid. SPAIN

isidro.aguillo at csic.es
ORCID: 0000-0001-8927-4873
ResearcherID: A-7280-2008
Scholar Citations: SaCSbeoAAAAJ
Twitter: @isidroaguillo
Rankings Web: webometrics.info

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