PLOS ONE Output Falls Following Impact Factor Decline

Paul Colin Gloster de_Ghloucester at NINTHFLOOR.ORG
Thu Jul 3 05:51:15 EDT 2014

Philip Davis sent:
|"Can the recent drop in February PLOS ONE publication figures be explained by|
|a decline in their Impact Factor last June?                                  |
|                                                                             |
|see:                                                                         |
|PLOS ONE Output Falls Following Impact Factor Decline                        |
|"                                                     |

Hari M. Gupta, José R. Campanha, and Rosana A. G. Pesce,
"Power-Law Distributions for the Citation Index of Scientific
Publications and Scientists", "Brazilian Journal of Physics", vol. 35,
no. 4A, December, 2005
"[. . .]
Table I: Citations of the 20 most cited physicists from January 1981
to June 1997
[. . .]
Table II: Citations of the 20 most cited chemists from January 1981
to June 1997
[. . .]
[. . .] It is interesting to note that only
two of them (P.W. Anderson, and K. A. Muller, at the 13th and
17th places, respectively), out of the 20 most cited physicists,
and six (J. A. Pople, R. R. Ernst, J. M. Lehn, R. E. Smalley, E.
J. Corey, and K. Tanaka, at the 2nd, 4th, 10th, 12th, 16th, and
20th places, respectively), out of the 20 most cited chemists,
are Nobel laureates.
[. . .]"

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