Elsevier is opening the Metrics Development Program

Halevi, Gali (ELS-NYC) G.Halevi at ELSEVIER.COM
Thu Aug 7 14:02:23 EDT 2014

Dear all

With the proliferation and increasing availability of primary data, research can be evaluated to a depth and extent previously unknown.
This expanding horizon, though exciting, can be challenging to those involved in the process, including evaluators, administrators, researchers and others.

To advance research in this area, Elsevier has launched the Metrics Development Program.
This program provides collaborative infrastructure and funding for the development of innovative approaches to scientific metrics and indicators.
Individuals or research groups conducting primary research or developing software tools and algorithms aimed at capturing different levels of scientific evaluation metrics are welcome to submit a proposal.

Disciplinary, program, institution or individual level indicators could include:

Bibliometric indicators of research impact
*         Altmetrics
*         Emerging research topics indicators
*         Indicators of regional or disciplinary scientific strengths
*         Patents or technological indicators
*         Multidimensional evaluative indicators combining different data types

Terms of data sets and funding availability will be determined on an individual basis per accepted proposal.
For more information about submissions and proposals, visit the program website<http://emdp.elsevier.com/submitProposal.asp>.

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me.


Gali Halevi
Senior Research Analyst & Program Director
Elsevier, Inc.
360 Park Avenue South, 8th Floor
New York, NY 10010 USA
Tel/FAX: +1 (631) 470 9519
Cell: +1 (646) 248 9464

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