excellence mapping

Bornmann, Lutz lutz.bornmann at GV.MPG.DE
Wed Apr 16 09:57:37 EDT 2014

Recently, we published the new release of the www.excellencemapping.net<http://www.excellencemapping.net>

This web application visualizes scientific excellence worldwide in 17 subject areas. For each institution (university or research-focused institution), the estimated probabilities of (i) publishing highly cited papers (Best Paper Rate) or (ii) publishing in the most influential journals (Best Journal Rate) are shown. Both probabilities, which can be adjusted by covariates, range from blue (high probability) through grey (average) to red (low probability) at a circle. The circle size corresponds to the institutional number of papers.

The new release is based on the publications from 2007 to 2011.


Dr. Dr. habil. Lutz Bornmann
Division for Science and Innovation Studies
Administrative Headquarters of the Max Planck Society
Hofgartenstr. 8
80539 Munich
Tel.: +49 89 2108 1265
Mobil: +49 170 9183667
Email: bornmann at gv.mpg.de<mailto:bornmann at gv.mpg.de>
WWW: www.lutz-bornmann.de<http://www.lutz-bornmann.de/>
ResearcherID: http://www.researcherid.com/rid/A-3926-2008
ResearchGate: http://www.researchgate.net/profile/Lutz_Bornmann

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