The Science "Sting" and Pre-Green Fee-Based Fool's Gold vs. Post-Green No-Fault Fair-Gold

Colin Paul Gloster Colin_Paul_Gloster at ACM.ORG
Sun Oct 6 20:05:04 EDT 2013

On October 6th, 2013, Stevan Harnad sent:
|"[. . .]                                                    |
|                                                            |
|I didn't say it would be nothing; [. . .]"                  |


|"[. . .] I also did not say                                 |
|referees would be or should be paid: [. . .]                |
|[. . .]"                                                    |


|"Many thanks for the references to the non-OA stings, [. . .]|
|                                                             |
|Stevan Harnad"                                               |

You are welcome. Another: the Sokal Affair.

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