Paper on the use of biplot analysis in JASIST

Nicolás Robinson elrobin at UGR.ES
Wed Apr 10 13:52:04 EDT 2013

Dear colleagues,

Last February we made available in arXiv a preprint version of a paper
accepted in JASIST on the use of biplot analysis for bibliometric purposes.
We believe it may be of your interest.

On the use of Biplot analysis for multivariate bibliometric and scientific
indicators <>
Daniel Torres-Salinas<>
, Nicolas Robinson-Garcia<>
, Evaristo Jiménez-Contreras<>
, Francisco Herrera <>
, Emilio Delgado
(Submitted on 4 Feb 2013)

Bibliometric mapping and visualization techniques represent one of the main
pillars in the field of scientometrics. Traditionally, the main
methodologies employed for representing data are Multi-Dimensional Scaling,
Principal Component Analysis or Correspondence Analysis. In this paper we
aim at presenting a visualization methodology known as Biplot analysis for
representing bibliometric and science and technology indicators. A Biplot is
a graphical representation of multivariate data, where the elements of a
data matrix are represented according to dots and vectors associated with
the rows and columns of the matrix. In this paper we explore the
possibilities of applying the Biplot analysis in the research policy area.
More specifically we will first describe and introduce the reader to this
methodology and secondly, we will analyze its strengths and weaknesses
through three different study cases: countries, universities and scientific
fields. For this, we use a Biplot analysis known as JK-Biplot. Finally we
compare theBiplot representation with other multivariate analysis
techniques. We conclude that Biplot analysis could be a useful technique in
scientometrics when studying multivariate data and an easy-to-read tool for
research decision makers.

 Comments:Accepted for publication in Journal of the American Society for
Information Science and Technology Subjects:Digital Libraries (cs.DL)
Cite as: arXiv:1302.0608 <> [cs.DL]  (or
arXiv:1302.0608v1 <> [cs.DL] for this
Submission historyFrom: Nicolas Robinson-Garcia [view
*[v1]* Mon, 4 Feb 2013 08:25:34 GMT (872kb)

Nicolas Robinson-Garcia
Grupo de Inv. EC3 - Evaluación de la Ciencia y de la Comunicación Científica
Departamento de Información y Documentación
Universidad de Granada
Tel. 958 240920
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