papers from the Sept 2012 issue of Scientmetics

Eugene Garfield eugene.garfield at THOMSONREUTERS.COM
Sat Sep 29 19:19:23 EDT 2012


TITLE:          Progressive nucleation mechanism for the growth behavior
                of items and its application to cumulative papers and citations of
                individual authors (Article, English)
AUTHOR:         Sangwal, K
SOURCE:         SCIENTOMETRICS 92 (3). SEP 2012. p.575-591 SPRINGER,

SEARCH TERM(S):  PRICE DJD  rauth; CITATION*  item_title

KEYWORDS:       Cumulative citations; Cumulative papers; Growth behavior
                of items; Individual authors; Progressive nucleation
                mechanism (PNM)

ABSTRACT:       A general expression based on the concepts of the
progressive nucleation mechanism is proposed in the form to describe the
growth behavior of items in an individual system and a collective of
systems. In the above relation, alpha(t) is the ratio of items N(t) at
time t to the maximum number C of possible items for the system, I
similar to is the corresponding time constant and q is the exponent. The
above relation is then used to analyze: (1) the growth behavior of
cumulative number N(t) of papers published by individual authors and
cumulative citations L(t) of N(t) papers of an author as a function of
citation duration t, and (2) the relationship between cumulative
citations L(t) of papers and cumulative number N(t) of papers. The
proposed approach predicts that: (1) the fraction of items produced by
successive systems is additive, (2) the cumulative fraction alpha
(sum)(t) of maximum number of sites is the sum of contributions of
fractions of maximum number of items produced by different systems, and
(3) the values of time constants I similar to and exponent q increase
with the addition of fraction of items produced by subsequent systems,
but their values are the lowest for individual systems. The approach is
applied to explain the growth behavior of cumulative N(t) papers and L(t)
citations of four selected Polish professors.

AUTHOR ADDRESS: K Sangwal, Lublin Univ Technol, Dept Appl Phys, Ul
                Nadbystrzycka 38, PL-20618 Lublin, Poland

TITLE:          Knowledge mapping of the Iranian nanoscience and
                technology: a text mining approach (Article, English)
AUTHOR:         Mohammadi, E
SOURCE:         SCIENTOMETRICS 92 (3). SEP 2012. p.593-608 SPRINGER,

                 SMALL H            J DOC                  36:183   1980;
                 GARFIELD E         AM DOC                 14:289   1963

KEYWORDS:       Science map; Knowledge map; Nano science and technology;
                Text mining

ABSTRACT:       Nanoscience and technology (NST) is a relatively new
interdisciplinary scientific domain, and scholars from a broad range of
different disciplines are contributing to it. However, there is an
ambiguity in its structure and in the extent of multidisciplinary
scientific collaboration of NST. This paper investigates the
multidisciplinary patterns of Iranian research in NST based on a
selection of 1,120 ISI-indexed articles published during 1974-2007. Using
text mining techniques, 96 terms were identified as the main terms of the
Iranian publications in NST. Then the scientific structure of the Iranian
NST was mapped through multidimensional scaling, based upon the co-
occurrence of the main terms in the academic publications. The results
showed that the NST domain in Iranian publications has a
multidisciplinary structure which is composed of different fields, such
as pure physics, analytical chemistry, chemistry physics, material
science and engineering, polymer science, biochemistry and new emerging

AUTHOR ADDRESS: E Mohammadi, Islamic Azad Univ, Lib & Informat Sci Dept,
                Sci & Res Campus, Tehran, Iran

TITLE:          A deductive approach to select or rank journals in
                multifaceted subject, Oceanography (Article, English)
AUTHOR:         Sahu, SR; Panda, KC
SOURCE:         SCIENTOMETRICS 92 (3). SEP 2012. p.609-619 SPRINGER,

SEARCH TERM(S):  GROSS PLK          SCIENCE                66:385   1927;

KEYWORDS:       Ranking journals; Ranking correlation; Citation analysis;
                Information process; Bradford distribution

ABSTRACT:       Whether singleton approach (citation analysis of
identified source journals) used by Gross and Gross (Science 66(1713):385-
389, 1927) or differential approach (citation analysis of articles in
specific subject field) applied by Bradford (Engineering 137:85-86, 1934)
suitable to select or rank journals in multifaceted subject-
'Oceanography' is presented. This study discusses both the approaches
analyzing citations of published literature in oceanography from 30
countries. The ranking correlation of journals showed better positive
correlation (lowest rho = 0.662 for 2005-2009 to highest rho = 0.817 for
1995-1999) when top ranked journals from the list generated complying
Gross and Gross approach (GA) were correlated with same journal titles of
the list generated complying Bradford approach than the other way (lowest
rho = 0.588 for 2005-2009 to highest rho = 0.726 for 1990-1994). Both the
approaches matched similar number of journals to country-wise lists and
give unbiased choice in preferring a ranking list. The journals
distribution graphs showed typical Bradford-Leimkuhler curves in both the
approaches for all the datasets. But the groos droop appears
comparatively early with shorter straight line in GA. The high clustering
of literature to limited number of journals is a disadvantage in
multifaceted subject. So the differential approach used by Bradford is
being considered suitable for multifaceted subject like, 'Oceanography'.

AUTHOR ADDRESS: SR Sahu, Natl Inst Oceanog CSIR, Panaji 403004, Goa, India

TITLE:          The success-index: an alternative approach to the h-index
                for evaluating an individual's research output (Article, English)
AUTHOR:         Franceschini, F; Galetto, M; Maisano, D; Mastrogiacomo, L
SOURCE:         SCIENTOMETRICS 92 (3). SEP 2012. p.621-641 SPRINGER,

                 HIRSCH JE          P NATL ACAD SCI USA   102:16569 2005;
                 SMALL H            SCIENTOMETRICS          7:391   1985;
                 GARFIELD E         SCIENTOMETRICS          1:359   1979

KEYWORDS:       Successful paper; NSP-index; Field normalization;
                Reference practices; Operational properties; Hirsch index

ABSTRACT:       Among the most recent bibliometric indicators for
normalizing the differences among fields of science in terms of citation
behaviour, Kosmulski (J Informetr 5(3):481-485, 2011) proposed the NSP
(number of successful paper) index. According to the authors, NSP
deserves much attention for its great simplicity and immediate meaning-
equivalent to those of the h-index-while it has the disadvantage of being
prone to manipulation and not very efficient in terms of statistical
significance. In the first part of the paper, we introduce the success-
index, aimed at reducing the NSP-index's limitations, although requiring
more computing effort. Next, we present a detailed analysis of the
success-index from the point of view of its operational properties and a
comparison with the h-index's ones. Particularly interesting is the
examination of the success-index scale of measurement, which is much
richer than the h-index's. This makes success-index much more versatile
for different types of analysis-e.g., (cross-field) comparisons of the
scientific output of (1) individual researchers, (2) researchers with
different seniority, (3) research institutions of different size, (4)
scientific journals, etc.

AUTHOR ADDRESS: F Franceschini, Politecn Torino, Dept Prod Syst & Business
                Econ DISPEA, Corso Duca Abruzzi 24, I-10129 Turin, Italy

TITLE:          Application of progressive nucleation mechanism for the
                citation behavior of individual papers of different authors (Article,
AUTHOR:         Sangwal, K
SOURCE:         SCIENTOMETRICS 92 (3). SEP 2012. p.643-655 SPRINGER,

SEARCH TERM(S):  CITATION  item_title; CITATION*  item_title

KEYWORDS:       Citations; Individual papers; Citation behavior; Decay of
                citations; Progressive nucleation mechanism (PNM)

ABSTRACT:       The basic concepts and equations of the progressive
nucleation mechanism (PNM) are presented first for the growth and decay
of items. The mechanism is then applied to describe the cumulative
citations L and citations Delta L per year of the individual most-cited
papers i of four selected Polish professors as a function of citation
duration t. It was found that the PNM satisfactorily describes the time
dependence of cumulative citations L of the papers published by different
authors with sufficiently high citations Delta L, as represented by the
highest yearly citations Delta L (max) during the entire citation period
t (normal citation behavior). The citation period for these papers is
less than 15 years and it is even 6-8 years in several cases. However,
for papers with citation periods exceeding about 15 years, the growth
behavior of citations does not follow the PNM in the entire citation
period (anomalous citation behavior), and there are regions of citations
in which the citation data may be described by the PNM. Normal and
anomalous citation behaviors are attributed, respectively, to the
occurrence and nonoccurrence of stationary nucleation of citations for
the papers. The PNM also explains the growth and decay of citations Delta
L per year of papers exhibiting normal citation behavior.

AUTHOR ADDRESS: K Sangwal, Lublin Univ Technol, Dept Appl Phys, Ul
                Nadbystrzycka 38, PL-20618 Lublin, Poland

TITLE:          Relative absorptive capacity: a research profiling
                (Article, English)
AUTHOR:         Martinez, H; Jaime, A; Camacho, J
SOURCE:         SCIENTOMETRICS 92 (3). SEP 2012. p.657-674 SPRINGER,

                 PRICE DJD  rauth;
                 GARFIELD E         CURR CONTENTS          32:5     1990;
                 GARFIELD E         SCIENCE               178:471   1972

KEYWORDS:       Relative absorptive capacity; Publication analysis;
                Bibliometrics; Research profiling

ABSTRACT:       This paper provides the profiling on the 'relative
absorptive capacity of knowledge' research to provide insights of the
field based on data collected from the ISI Web of science database during
the years 2001-2010. The analysis is established in three phases, namely,
the general publication, the subject area, and the topic profiling. The
study obtains patterns, characteristics, and attributes at country,
institutions, journals, author, and core reference levels. It shows the
increase of the research activity in the field, based on the publication
productivity during the years mentioned. Most of these publications are
classified in the subject areas of business and economics, engineering,
and operations research and management science. We highlight the nascent
interest of the computer science subject area as a way to operationalize
the different studies conducted. We found a lack of contribution from
African and Latin-American countries despite the importance of the field
for them. Our results are useful in terms of science strategy, science
and technology policy, research agendas, research alliances, and research
networks according to the special interest of specific actors at the
individual, institutional, and national levels.

AUTHOR ADDRESS: H Martinez, Univ Ind Santander, Ctr Technol & Innovat
                Management Res Innotec, Cra 27 Calle 9, La Perla,
                Bucaramanga, Colombia

TITLE:          South African universities in world rankings (Article,
AUTHOR:         Matthews, AP
SOURCE:         SCIENTOMETRICS 92 (3). SEP 2012. p.675-695 SPRINGER,

SEARCH TERM(S):  HIRSCH JE          P NATL ACAD SCI USA   102:16569 2005

KEYWORDS:       South African universities; World university rankings;
                Bibliometric analysis; Shanghai Jiao Tong ranking; Times
                Higher Education ranking

ABSTRACT:       South Africa has 23 universities, of which five are
placed in one or more of the 2011 Shanghai Jiao Tong, Times Higher
Education, and Quacquarelli Symonds world university rankings. The five
are: Cape Town, Witwatersrand, KwaZulu-Natal, Stellenbosch and Pretoria.
They are ranked above the other 18 universities, with Cape Town in top
position, mainly because they have significantly higher publication and
citation counts. In the Shanghai Jiao Tong ranking Cape Town's Nobel
Prize alumni and highly-cited researchers give it an additional lead over
second-placed Witwatersrand, which has Nobel Prize alumni but no highly-
cited researchers. KwaZulu-Natal, in third place, has no Nobel Prize
alumni but one highly-cited researcher, which places it ahead of
Stellenbosch and Pretoria despite the latter two having higher
publication output. However, in the Times Higher Education ranking, which
places Cape Town first and Witwatersrand second, Stellenbosch is ranked
but not KwaZulu-Natal, presumably because the publication and citation
counts of Stellenbosch are higher. The other 18 universities are ranked
by the SCImago and Webometrics rankings in an order consistent with
bibliometric indicators, and consistent with approximate simulations of
the Shanghai Jiao Tong and Times Higher Education methods. If a South
African university aspires to rise in the rankings, it needs to increase
publications, citations, staff-student ratio, and proportions of
postgraduate students, international students and international staff.

AUTHOR ADDRESS: AP Matthews, Univ KwaZulu Natal, Sch Phys, Westville
                Campus, ZA-4001 Durban, South Africa

TITLE:          Citation behavior in popular scientific papers: what is
                behind obscure citations? The case of ethnobotany (Article, English)
AUTHOR:         Ramos, MA; Melo, JG; Albuquerque, UP
SOURCE:         SCIENTOMETRICS 92 (3). SEP 2012. p.711-719 SPRINGER,

                 GARFIELD E         SCIENTOMETRICS          1:359   1979

KEYWORDS:       Citation analysis; Scientometrics; Scientific quality

ABSTRACT:       Citation studies have become an important tool for
understanding scientific communication processes, as they enable the
identification of several characteristics of information-retrieval
behavior. This study seeks to analyze citation behavior using two popular
ethnobotany articles, and our analysis is guided by the following
question: when an author references a work, is he pointing out the work's
theoretical contribution, or is bias a factor in citing this reference?
Citation analysis reveals an interesting phenomenon, as the majority of
citing texts do not consider the theoretical contributions made by the
articles cited. Two possible conclusions can be drawn from this scenario:
(1) citing authors read the original texts that they cite only
superficially, and (2) the works cited are not read by the vast majority
of people who reference them. Thus, it is clear that even with sufficient
access to reference texts; ethnobotanical studies highlight elements less
relevant to the research and reproduce discussions in a non-reflective

AUTHOR ADDRESS: UP Albuquerque, Univ Fed Rural Pernambuco, Dept Biol, Lab
                Etnobot Aplicada, Rua Dom Manoel de Medeiros S-N, Recife,
                PE, Brazil

TITLE:          Research status and trends in limnology journals: a
                bibliometric analysis based on SCI database (Article, English)
AUTHOR:         Cao, XF; Huang, Y; Wang, J; Luan, SJ
SOURCE:         SCIENTOMETRICS 92 (3). SEP 2012. p.735-746 SPRINGER,

                 HIRSCH JE          P NATL ACAD SCI USA   102:16569 2005;
                 JOURNALS  item_title; BIBLIOMETR*  item_title

KEYWORDS:       Limnology; Bibliometric analysis; h-index; NetDraw

ABSTRACT:       An effective bibliometric analysis was applied in this
work to evaluate global scientific production of the subject category of
"limnology" from 2001 to 2010. Data was based on the Science Citation
Index compiled by Institute for Scientific Information (ISI),
Philadelphia, USA. The h-index and NetDraw were designed to characterize
the limnology publications. The results showed that the limnology
research constantly increased over the past decade. The researchers paid
most attention to "diatoms", "eutrophication" and "phosphorus". Moreover,
the keywords plus of "growth", "model", "dynamic", offered a thorough
description for the limnology research. Among the research institutes
interested in limnologic research, the US Geological Survey was the
flagship while the USA attained a dominant position in the global
research in the field.

AUTHOR ADDRESS: Y Huang, Peking Univ, Coll Environm Sci & Engn, 5 Yiheyuan
                Rd, Beijing 100871, Peoples R China

TITLE:          A bibliometric study of earthquake research: 1900-2010
                (Article, English)
AUTHOR:         Liu, XJ; Zhan, FB; Hong, S; Niu, BB; Liu, YL
SOURCE:         SCIENTOMETRICS 92 (3). SEP 2012. p.747-765 SPRINGER,

                 GARFIELD E         CURR CONTENTS          32:5     1990

KEYWORDS:       Bibliometrics; Evaluation; Earthquake; Research

ABSTRACT:       We evaluated earthquake research performance based on a
bibliometric analysis of 84,051 documents published in journals and other
outlets contained in the Scientific Citation Index (SCI) and Social
Science Citation Index (SSCI) bibliographic databases for the period of
1900-2010. We summarized significant publication indicators in earthquake
research, evaluated national and institutional research performance, and
presented earthquake research development from a supplementary
perspective. Research output descriptors suggested a solid development in
earthquake research, in terms of increasing scientific production and
research collaboration. We identified leading authors, institutions, and
nations in earthquake research, and there was an uneven distribution of
publications at authorial, institutional, and national levels. The most
commonly used keywords appeared in the articles were evolution,
California, deformation, model, inversion, seismicity, tectonics, crustal
structure, fault, zone, lithosphere, and attenuation.

AUTHOR ADDRESS: YL Liu, Wuhan Univ, Sch Resource & Environm Sci, Wuhan
                430072, Peoples R China

TITLE:          Field normalized citation rates, field normalized journal
                impact and Norwegian weights for allocation of university research funds
                (Article, English)
AUTHOR:         Ahlgren, P; Colliander, C; Persson, O
SOURCE:         SCIENTOMETRICS 92 (3). SEP 2012. p.767-780 SPRINGER,

SEARCH TERM(S):  SEGLEN PO          J AM SOC INFORM SCI    45:1     1994;

KEYWORDS:       Field normalized citation rates; Journal impact;
                Norwegian model; Research fund allocation

ABSTRACT:       We compared three different bibliometric evaluation
approaches: two citation-based approaches and one based on manual
classification of publishing channels into quality levels. Publication
data for two universities was used, and we worked with two levels of
analysis: article and department. For the article level, we investigated
the predictive power of field normalized citation rates and field
normalized journal impact with respect to journal level. The results for
the article level show that evaluation of journals based on citation
impact correlate rather well with manual classification of journals into
quality levels. However, the prediction from field normalized citation
rates to journal level was only marginally better than random guessing.
At the department level, we studied three different indicators in the
context of research fund allocation within universities and the extent to
which the three indicators produce different distributions of research
funds. It turned out that the three distributions of relative indicator
values were very similar, which in turn yields that the corresponding
distributions of hypothetical research funds would be very similar.

AUTHOR ADDRESS: P Ahlgren, Umea Univ, Dept Sociol, S-90187 Umea, Sweden

TITLE:          The Google effect in doctoral theses (Article, English)
AUTHOR:         Varshney, LR
SOURCE:         SCIENTOMETRICS 92 (3). SEP 2012. p.785-793 SPRINGER,


KEYWORDS:       Doctoral theses; Citation behavior; Knowledge burden

ABSTRACT:       It is often said that successive generations of
researchers face an increasing educational burden due to knowledge
accumulation. On the other hand, technological advancement over time can
improve the productivity of researchers and even change their cognitive
processes. This paper presents a longitudinal study (2004-2011) of
citation behavior in doctoral theses at the Massachusetts Institute of
Technology's Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science.
It is found that the number of references cited has increased over the
years. At the same time, there has been a decrease in the length of time
in the doctoral program and a relative constancy in the culture of the
department. This suggests that students are more productive in facing an
increased knowledge burden, and indeed seem to encode prior literature as
transactive memory to a greater extent, as evidenced by the greater use
of older literature.

AUTHOR ADDRESS: LR Varshney, IBM Thomas J Watson Res Ctr, 19 Skyline Dr,
                Hawthorne, NY 10532 USA

TITLE:          The phenomenon of all-elements-sleeping-beauties in
                scientific literature (Article, English)
AUTHOR:         Li, J; Ye, FY
SOURCE:         SCIENTOMETRICS 92 (3). SEP 2012. p.795-799 SPRINGER,

                 GLANZEL W          SCIENTIST              18:8     2004

KEYWORDS:       Sleeping beauty; Spindle; Prince; Delayed recognition

ABSTRACT:       The phenomenon of all-elements-sleeping-beauties in
science is revealed by four special cases. The 'sleeping beauties' prick
their fingers on the 'spindles' so that they fall into sleep then are
awakened by their 'princes'. The authors speculate that the phenomenon
could happen in scientific literatures with high quality.

AUTHOR ADDRESS: FY Ye, Zhejiang Univ, Dept Informat Resource Management,
                Hangzhou 310027, Zhejiang, Peoples R China
TITLE:          Analysis of Impact Factors of Integration Conditions and
                Development of Regional Tourism (Article, English)
AUTHOR:         Chen, JP


KEYWORDS:       Regional Tourism; Integration; Condition; Resource
                Development; Impact Factor

ABSTRACT:       Integration and development of regional tourism is a
challenging subject which has theoretical and practical value. This
paper, from the prospective of tourism system and tourism space, puts
forward the concept of regional tourism integration, and based on the
elementary theory regarding tourism geography and related regional
planning, describes the conditions for regional tourism integration,
analyzes subjective factors such as the behaviors of developers, tourists
and operators etc., tourism resources, objective factors such as
accessibility and spatial competition etc., and their impacts on the
regional tourism integration and development.


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