FW: Copenhagen Research Forum II report web-pdf
Loet Leydesdorff
Fri Oct 26 05:27:15 EDT 2012
Dear colleagues,
I participated last year in the Copenhagen Research Forum which was
organized at the occasion of the Danish Presidency of the EU. The second
report is now available at <http://www.crf2012.org> www.crf2012.org. On p.
9, I contributed with the following recommendation:
· Existing funding mechanisms should be evaluated independently in
terms of their success and failure rates.
I thought it nice to let you know.
Best wishes,
From: Jonas Bak [mailto:jonas.bak at regionh.dk]
Sent: Friday, October 26, 2012 10:39 AM
To: Loet Leydesdorff; Liselotte Højgaard; ggian at certh.gr;
Christian.Piehler at dlr.de; po at actifoods.com; k.h.bendiksen at fys.uio.no;
joergen.kjems at gmail.com; deborah.smith at york.ac.uk; KARI at science.ku.dk;
johan.rockstrom at sei.se; ow at ifs.ku.dk; anders.elverhoi at geo.uio.no;
Kees.degooijer at wur.nl; nbu at transport.dtu.dk
Cc: Kristian Johnsen; cha at adm.dtu.dk; jaan at life.ku.dk; amik at adm.dtu.dk;
Torben Hoeoeck Hansen; annah at adm.ku.dk; Birgitte Wederking
Subject: SV: Copenhagen Research Forum II report web-pdf
Dear all,
The CRF II report has now been made available on www.crf2012.org where you
will be able to find the latest version of the report ready for download in
a print version and as an e-book.
Please notice that slight changes has been made in the report since
Wednesday. All participants titles should now be correct.
Kind regards
Jonas Bak
Jonas Bak
EU konsulent
Mobil (DK): +45 2999 7878
email: <https://webmail.regionh.dk/owa/UrlBlockedError.aspx>
jonas.bak at regionh.dk
skype: jonas-creodk
Kontoret i Bruxelles
creoDK - Capital Region Denmark EU Office
Rue du Luxembourg 3
B-1000 Bruxelles
<mailto:creodk at regionh.dk> creodk at regionh.dk
tel.: +45 45 11 02 98
<http://www.creodk.eu/> www.creodk.eu
creoDK is the EU research office of the University of Copenhagen, the
Technical University of Denmark and the Capital Region of Denmark.
Fra: loet at leydesdorff.net [leydesdorff at gmail.com] på vegne af Loet
Leydesdorff [loet at leydesdorff.net]
Sendt: 24. oktober 2012 11:59
Til: Liselotte Højgaard; ggian at certh.gr; Christian.Piehler at dlr.de;
po at actifoods.com; k.h.bendiksen at fys.uio.no; joergen.kjems at gmail.com;
deborah.smith at york.ac.uk; KARI at science.ku.dk; johan.rockstrom at sei.se;
ow at ifs.ku.dk; anders.elverhoi at geo.uio.no; Kees.degooijer at wur.nl;
nbu at transport.dtu.dk
Cc: Kristian Johnsen; cha at adm.dtu.dk; jaan at life.ku.dk; amik at adm.dtu.dk;
Torben Hoeoeck Hansen; annah at adm.ku.dk; Birgitte Wederking; Jonas Bak
Emne: RE: Copenhagen Research Forum II report web-pdf
Dear Liselotte,
Thank you for doing this. Please, keep us posted when you bring the report
Thereafter, it becomes easy to distribute it.
Loet Leydesdorff
Professor, University of Amsterdam
Amsterdam School of Communications Research (ASCoR),
Kloveniersburgwal 48, 1012 CX Amsterdam.
Tel.: +31-20- 525 6598; fax: +31-842239111
loet at leydesdorff.net <mailto:loet at leydesdorff.net> ;
http://www.leydesdorff.net/ ;
<http://scholar.google.com/citations?user=ych9gNYAAAAJ&hl=en> &hl=en
From: Liselotte Højgaard [mailto:Liselotte.Hoejgaard at regionh.dk]
Sent: Wednesday, October 24, 2012 11:45 AM
To: loet at leydesdorff.net; ggian at certh.gr; Christian.Piehler at dlr.de;
po at actifoods.com; k.h.bendiksen at fys.uio.no; joergen.kjems at gmail.com;
deborah.smith at york.ac.uk; KARI at science.ku.dk; johan.rockstrom at sei.se;
ow at ifs.ku.dk; anders.elverhoi at geo.uio.no; Kees.degooijer at wur.nl;
nbu at transport.dtu.dk
Cc: Kristian Johnsen; cha at adm.dtu.dk; jaan at life.ku.dk; amik at adm.dtu.dk;
Torben Hoeoeck Hansen; annah at adm.ku.dk; Birgitte Wederking; Jonas Bak
Subject: Copenhagen Research Forum II report web-pdf
Dear all,
I am happy to announce the final CRF II report .Here is the PDF version.
Printed reports will be send by mail to you. ( If needed please send a mail
to Jonas Bak and ask for extra copies).
In the following days the report will be distributed to the same recipients
as the original report CRF I. Furthermore, we will present the report to
all the EU policy-makers and politicians who are currently debating the
final steps forming Horizon 2020.
Once again a warm thanks to all of you for participating and carrying out
this important mission. A special thank you to Jonas Bak and creo.dk for a
dedicated and great job. Same big thank you to the secretariat Anne-Line
Mikkelsen, Jan Andersen, Torben Høøck Hansen and to our sponsors University
of Copenhagen, DTU and Capital Region of Copenhagen.
Kind regards Lotte
Prof.Dr. Liselotte Højgaard,MD DMSc
Chair Copenhagen Research Forum
Professor , University of Copenhagen , Faculty of Medicine
Adj. Professor DTU, Technical University of Denmark.
Head of Department of Clinical Physiology, Nuclear Medicine & PET
KF 4011, Blegdamsvej 9, DK 2100 Copenhagen Ø, Denmark.
Phone 45 3545 4215 or 45 3545 1792 PA Vibeke Rønn 45 3545 8762
mail: lottepet at rh.dk
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