FW: Web of Knowledge Alert - SCIENTOMETRICS for October 2012
Eugene Garfield
eugene.garfield at THOMSONREUTERS.COM
Thu Oct 25 16:02:48 EDT 2012
Web of Knowledge Table of Contents Alert
Journal Name: SCIENTOMETRICS (ISSN: 0138-9130)
Issue: Vol. 93 No. 1, 2012
IDS#: 014EJ
Number of Articles in Issue: 16 (16 included in this e-mail)
*Pages: 1-2 (Editorial Material)
The 7th International Conference on Webometrics, Informetrics and Scientometrics & 12th COLLNET Meeting
Kretschmer, H; Ozel, B; Glanzel, W
*SCIENTOMETRICS*, 93 (1):1-2; OCT 2012
*Pages: 3-16 (Article)
Research evaluation. Part I: productivity and citedness of a German medical research institution
Pudovkin, A; Kretschmer, H; Stegmann, J; Garfield, E
*SCIENTOMETRICS*, 93 (1):3-16; OCT 2012
An evaluation exercise was performed involving 313 papers of research
staff (66 persons) of the Deutsche Rheuma-Forschungszentrum (DRFZ)
published in 2004-2008. The records and citations to them were retrieved
from the Web of Science (Thomson Reuters) in March 2010. The authors
compared productivity and citedness of "group leaders" vs. "regular
scientists", of "male scientists" vs. "female scientists" using
citation-based indexes. It was found that "group leaders" are more
prolific and cited more often than "regular scientists", the same is
true considering "male" vs. "female scientists". The greatest contrast
is observed between "female leaders" and "female regular scientists".
The above mentioned differences are significant in indexes related to
the number of papers, while values of indexes characterizing the quality
of papers (average citation rate per paper and similar indexes) are not
substantially different among the groups compared. The mean value of
percentile rank index for all the 313 papers is 58.5, which is
significantly higher than the global mean value of about 50. This fact
is evidence of a higher citation status, on average, of the publications
from the DRFZ.
*Pages: 17-30 (Article)
Research evaluation. Part II: gender effects of evaluation: are men more productive and more cited than women?
Hildrun, K; Alexander, P; Johannes, S
*SCIENTOMETRICS*, 93 (1):17-30; OCT 2012
Productivity and citedness of the staff of a German medical research
institution are analyzed. It was found in our previous study (Pudovkin
et al.: Scientometrics, doi: 10.1007/s11192-012-0659-z, 2012) that male
scientists are more prolific and cited more often than female
scientists. We explain in our present study one of the possible causes
for obtaining this result with reference to Abramo et al.
(Scientometrics 84(3): 821-833, 2009), who found in the small subgroups
of star scientists a higher performance of male star scientists with
respect to female star scientists; but in the remaining complementary
subpopulations the performance gap between the two sexes is marginal. In
agreement with Abramo et al. (2009), in our small subgroup of star
scientists a higher performance of male star scientists with respect to
female star scientists could be found. Contrasting, in the large
complementary subgroup even a slightly higher performance of female
scientists with respect to male scientists was identified. The last is
even stronger expressed in favor of women than Abramo's result that the
performance gap between the two sexes is truly marginal. In addition to
Abramo et al. (2009), we already found in our previous study, special
indexes characterizing the quality of papers (but not quantity) are not
substantially different among sexes compared.
*Pages: 33-39 (Article)
Quantity is only one of the qualities
Beaver, DD
*SCIENTOMETRICS*, 93 (1):33-39; OCT 2012
As our fields have become more sophisticated, complex, and specialized,
we deal with ever larger masses of data, and our quantitative results
have become more detailed and esoteric, and difficult to interpret.
Because our methods are predominantly quantitative, we tend to overlook
or underemphasize the qualitative judgments that enter at every stage of
our work, and to forget that quantity is only one of the qualities. As
in our world today, where we face a flood of factoids and quantitative
data stripped of context, and struggle to evaluate it, to give it
meaning, and make it into information, so ought we qualitatively to
acknowledge and contextualize our research results, not only to make
them more relevant, meaningful, and useful to the larger world, but to
give our work greater impact and value.
*Pages: 41-58 (Article)
The different flavors of research collaboration: a case study of their influence on university excellence in four world regions
Benavent-Perez, M; Gorraiz, J; Gumpenberger, C; de Moya-Anegon, F
*SCIENTOMETRICS*, 93 (1):41-58; OCT 2012
This study on research collaboration (RC) is an attempt to estimate the
degree of internationalization of academic institutions and regions.
Furthermore potential influences of RC on excellence initiatives of
modern universities are investigated relying on source data obtained
from SCImago Institutions Rankings. A positive correlation exists
between the degree of collaboration and the normalized impact. However,
in contrast to output the normalized impact increase progression is
non-linear and fluctuating. Differences occur regarding output volume
and normalized impact at geographical region level for the leading
universities. Different patterns of the Brute force distribution for
each collaboration type were also observed at region level as well as at
subject area level. A continuously reduced percentage of the domestic
(non-collaboration) academic output is a world trend, whereas a steady
increase of "international + national" collaboration is observed
globally, however, less distinctive in Asia than in the other regions.
The impact of Latin American papers originating from domestic production
as well as from national collaboration remains considerably below world
average values.
*Pages: 59-87 (Article)
China and India: The two new players in the nanotechnology race
Bhattacharya, S; Shilpa; Bhati, M
*SCIENTOMETRICS*, 93 (1):59-87; OCT 2012
Nanotechnology is promising to be the 'transformative' technology of the
21st century with its boundless potential to revolutionize a wide range
of industries. Stakes are high as projected estimate of market value and
economic and social benefits are immense for countries that can attain
competency in this technology. This has stimulated OECD countries as
well as emerging economies to channel huge resources for developing core
capabilities in this technology. Unlike, other key technologies, recent
influential reports highlight China in particular and to some extent
India, Brazil and other emerging economies competing with advanced OECD
countries in 'nanotechnology'. The present paper investigates through
bibliometric and innovation indicators to what extent China and India
have been able to assert their position in the global stage. The paper
also underscores the importance of capturing indications from standards
and products/processes along with publications and patents to capture
more accurately the latent variable 'performance'. Study shows that
China's progress is remarkable; it has already attained leading position
in publications and standard development. India is making its presence
more visible particularly in publications. China's research is more
sophisticated and addresses nano-materials and its applications whereas
India's research shows healthy trend towards addressing developmental
*Pages: 89-100 (Article)
Publication and patent analysis of European researchers in the field of production technology and manufacturing systems
Franceschini, F; Maisano, D
*SCIENTOMETRICS*, 93 (1):89-100; OCT 2012
This paper develops a structured comparison among a sample of European
researchers in the field of Production Technology and Manufacturing
Systems, on the basis of scientific publications and patents.
Researchers are evaluated and compared by a variegated set of indicators
concerning (1) the output of individual researchers and (2) that of
groups of researchers from the same country. While not claiming to be
exhaustive, the results of this preliminary study provide a rough
indication of the publishing and patenting activity of researchers in
the field of interest, identifying (dis)similarities between different
countries. Of particular interest is a proposal for aggregating analysis
results by means of maps based on publication and patent indicators. A
large amount of empirical data are presented and discussed.
*Pages: 101-111 (Article)
Reflection of cross-disciplinary research at Creative Research Institution (Hokkaido University) in the Web of Science database: appraisal and visualization using bibliometry
Gautam, P; Yanagiya, R
*SCIENTOMETRICS*, 93 (1):101-111; OCT 2012
This study describes the results of a preliminary bibliometric analysis
of 611 research items, published between 1996 and 2011 by researchers
affiliated with Creative Research Institution (CRIS) and the Center for
Advanced Science and Technology (CAST), Hokkaido University (HU),
retrieved from the Web of Science (WoS) database. CRIS has a primary
mission to promote cutting-edge, world-class, trans-departmental
research within HU, and it conducts fundamental,
commercialization-related, cross-disciplinary research and nurtures
young in-house/recruited researchers through targeted, innovative
tenure-track programs in multiple disciplines. Its research output
derives from 3- to 7-year-long time-bound projects funded strategically
by HU, external grants [e.g., MEXT Super-COE HU Research and Business
Park Project (FY2003-7)], industry-university collaboration with
regional businesses, and endowments (e.g., Meiji Dairies). Analyses
using co-words, bibliographic coupling, overlay map aided with
visualization, etc., lead to the following inferences: (i) The published
items comprise a dozen well-defined (inter-)disciplinary clusters,
dominated by 3 macro-disciplines (biomedical science, 33%; chemistry,
21%; agricultural science, ca. 10%) that constitute 18 clusters used for
mapping; (ii) research conducted by externally funded or endowed
projects in the biomedical, physical and environmental science and
technology fields (3 broad areas of aggregation derived from the Science
Overlay Map) is interdisciplinary; and (iii) there is an apparently low
visibility of publications from projects jointly executed with
industries to an almost complete absence of output from CRIS in the
fields of social sciences in the WoS database.
*Pages: 113-123 (Article)
The role of core documents in bibliometric network analysis and their relation with h-type indices
Glanzel, W
*SCIENTOMETRICS*, 93 (1):113-123; OCT 2012
The notion of core documents and their application is discussed in the
context of scientometric networks. An interesting solution of the
problem of the arbitrariness of thresholds emerges from the application
of Hirsch-type indices to dense networks as are typically observed in
local clustering. Examples from several disciplines in the sciences and
social sciences illustrate how these core vertices can be determined
using this approach, and visualise how core documents are applied to
represent the internal structure of the complete network or of parts of
*Pages: 125-134 (Article)
Tracing the wider impacts of biomedical research: a literature search to develop a novel citation categorisation technique
Jones, TH; Donovan, C; Hanney, S
*SCIENTOMETRICS*, 93 (1):125-134; OCT 2012
There is an increasing need both to understand the translation of
biomedical research into improved healthcare and to assess the range of
wider impacts from health research such as improved health policies,
health practices and healthcare. Conducting such assessments is complex
and new methods are being sought. Our new approach involves several
steps. First, we developed a qualitative citation analysis technique to
apply to biomedical research in order to assess the contribution that
individual papers made to further research. Second, using this method,
we then proposed to trace the citations to the original research through
a series of generations of citing papers. Third, we aimed eventually to
assess the wider impacts of the various generations. This article
describes our comprehensive literature search to inform the new
technique. We searched various databases, specific bibliometrics
journals and the bibliographies of key papers. After excluding
irrelevant papers we reviewed those remaining for either general or
specific details that could inform development of our new technique.
Various characteristics of citations were identified that had been found
to predict their importance to the citing paper including the citation's
location; number of citation occasions and whether the author(s) of the
cited paper were named within the citing paper. We combined these
objective characteristics with subjective approaches also identified
from the literature search to develop a citation categorisation
technique that would allow us to achieve the first of the steps above,
i.e., being able routinely to assess the contribution that individual
papers make to further research.
*Pages: 135-150 (Article)
Gender bias in journals of gender studies
Kretschmer, H; Kundra, R; Beaver, DD; Kretschmer, T
*SCIENTOMETRICS*, 93 (1):135-150; OCT 2012
The causes of gender bias favoring men in scientific and scholarly
systems are complex and related to overall gender relationships in most
of the countries of the world. An as yet unanswered question is whether
in research publication gender bias is equally distributed over
scientific disciplines and fields or if that bias reflects a closer
relation to the subject matter. We expected less gender bias with
respect to subject matter, and so analysed 14 journals of gender studies
using several methods and indicators. The results confirm our
expectation: the very high position of women in co-operation is
striking; female scientists are relatively overrepresented as first
authors in articles. Collaboration behaviour in gender studies differs
from that of authors in PNAS. The pattern of gender studies reflects
associations between authors of different productivity, or "masters" and
"apprentices" but the PNAS pattern reflects associations between authors
of roughly the same productivity, or "peers". It would be interesting to
extend the analysis of these three-dimensional collaboration patterns
further, to see whether a similar characterization holds, what it might
imply about the patterns of authorship in different areas, what those
patterns might imply about the role of collaboration, and whether there
are differences between females and males in collaboration patterns.
*Pages: 151-166 (Article)
A new approach for automatizing the analysis of research topics dynamics: application to optoelectronics research
Lamirel, JC
*SCIENTOMETRICS*, 93 (1):151-166; OCT 2012
The objective of this paper is to propose a new unsupervised incremental
approach in order to follow the evolution of research themes for a given
scientific discipline in terms of emergence or decline. Such behaviors
are detectable by various methods of filtering. However, our choice is
made on the exploitation of neural clustering methods in a multi-view
context. This new approach makes it possible to take into account the
incremental and chronological aspects of information by opening the way
to the detection of convergences and divergences of research themes at a
large scale.
*Pages: 167-181 (Article)
The evaluation of Indian cancer research, 1990-2010
Lewison, G; Roe, P
*SCIENTOMETRICS*, 93 (1):167-181; OCT 2012
Cancer research outputs in India have expanded greatly in recent years,
with some concomitant increase in their citation scores. Part of the
increase in output is attributable to greater coverage in the Web of
Science of Indian journals, which are more clinical than international
ones, and much less often cited. Other measures of esteem have also
increased, such as the percentage of reviews and the immediacy with
which Indian cancer articles are cited. Most of the output came from
just nine of the 35 Indian states and Union Territories, led by New
Delhi and Maharashtra. The distribution of the amount of research by
cancer site correlates moderately positively with the relative disease
burden, with mouth (head and neck) cancer (often caused by the chewing
of tobacco or areca, betel or paan) causing the highest number of deaths
and also being well researched. We also analysed the articles by type of
research, with articles in genetics and chemotherapy being the most
numerous. For articles published in 2009-2010, data were available on
the funding acknowledgements, and we found, as expected, that articles
in clinical subjects were less often supported by external funding than
ones in basic research. The major source of support was the Government
of India, with relatively small contributions from charities and
industry, unlike the situation in the UK and other western European
*Pages: 183-206 (Article)
Collaboration structure and knowledge diffusion in Turkish management academia
Ozel, B
*SCIENTOMETRICS*, 93 (1):183-206; OCT 2012
This article proposes a conceptual framework to study diffusion of
knowledge via collaborative social interactions. The framework primes
deliberation on (i) nature of knowledg, (ii) chain of knowledge process,
and (iii) modes of knowledge transfer while examining mechanisms of
knowledge diffusion and collaboration structure. Within such a
differentiation scheme while information is considered as a form of
filtered data within a context of relevancies, knowledge is considered
as a systematically processed information that is bound to individual or
collective actions and praxis. The framework is applied employing an
empirical research method based on meta-network analysis. The examplary
case traces how management sciences related knowledge is diffused and
what collaboration structures are exhibited by Turkish management
academia from 1920s until 2008. Results from knowledge diffusion models
which have been devised and tested in this study hint that management
knowledge within local publications follows patterns of information
diffusion rather than patterns of knowledge transfer found elsewhere. On
the other hand, it is seen that cognitive demand of publishing in
citation indexed global journals have given way to cohesive
collaborating teams as mean of collaborative knowledge production and
*Pages: 207-215 (Article)
Web visibility of scholars in media and communication journals
Chung, CJ; Park, HW
*SCIENTOMETRICS*, 93 (1):207-215; OCT 2012
This paper examines the Web visibility of researchers in the field of
communication. First, we measured the Web visibility of authors who have
recently published their research in communication journals contained in
the Social Science Citation Index (SSCI) provided by the Web of Science.
Second, we identified a subset of authors based on their publication
outlets and summarize those researchers with the highest Web presence.
Lastly, we determined the factors affecting their Web visibility by
using a set of national and linguistic variables of the individual
researchers. Web data were collected by using a Bing.com advanced search
tool based on the API. Web presence is defined as the number of Web
(co-) mentions of each researcher. We identified the most solely-visible
scholars in the entire communication webosphere and scholars with the
most networked visibility based on co-mentions. There is a weak but
statistically significant correlation between researchers' Web
visibility and their SSCI publication counts. Further, US-based and/or
English-speaking scholars were more noticeable than others on
*Pages: 217-232 (Article)
Exploring Web keyword analysis as an alternative to link analysis: a multi-industry case
Vaughan, L; Romero-Frias, E
*SCIENTOMETRICS*, 93 (1):217-232; OCT 2012
The study explored the feasibility of using Web keyword analysis as an
alternative to link analysis and tested the feasibility in a
multi-industry environment. The keyword is the organization's name, in
this case the company name. American companies from five industries were
included in the study. The study found that the Web visibility of a
company as measured by the number of Webpages on which the company name
appears correlates with the company's business measures (revenue,
profits, and assets). The correlation coefficients are similar to that
between the inlink counts and the business measures. This suggests that
the keyword count (searched by the company name) could replace inlink
count as an alternative indicator of some commonly used business
measures. The co-word (the co-occurrence of the names of two companies
on Webpages) count was used as a measure of the relatedness of the two
companies. Multidimensional scaling (MDS) analysis was applied to the
co-word matrices and generated MDS maps that showed relationships among
companies in a multi-industry context. Keyword data were collected from
three different types of Websites (general Websites, blog sites, and Web
news sites) and results were compared. The study found blog sites to be
the better source to collect data for this type of study. The comparison
of MDS maps generated from co-link data and the blog co-word data showed
that the co-word analysis is as effective as co-link analysis in mapping
business relationships. The value of the study is not limited to the
business sector as the co-word method could be applied to analysing
relationships among other types of organizations.
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