TPDL 2013 Call for Contributions - 17th Int. Conf. on Theory and Practice of Digital Libraries
Tsakonas Giannis
Thu Nov 1 13:36:39 EDT 2012
* apologies for cross-postings *
Call for Contributions
17th International Conference on Theory and Practice of Digital
Valletta, Malta, September 22-26, 2013
The International Conference on Theory and Practice of Digital
Libraries (TPDL) constitutes a leading scientific forum on digital
libraries that brings together researchers, developers, content
providers and users in the field of digital libraries. TPDL 2013 will be
organized by University of Malta and it will be held in Valletta, Malta
on September 22-26, 2013.
* Aims and scope *
Valuable and rapidly increasing volumes of data are produced or
transformed into digital form by all fields of scientific, educational,
cultural, business and governmental activities. For this purpose the
digital libraries community has developed long-term and
interdisciplinary research agendas, providing significant results, such
as conceptual models, added value infrastructures, software tools,
standards and services.
The advent of the technologies that enhance the exchange of information
with rich semantics is the epicenter of the discussions of the
community. Information providers inter-link their metadata with user
contributed data and offer new services outlooking to the development of
a web of data and addressing the interoperability and long-term
preservation challenges.
TPDL 2013 under the general theme "Sharing meaningful information",
invites submissions for the proliferation of scientific and research
osmosis in the following categories: Full Papers, Short Papers, Posters
and Demonstrations, Workshops and Tutorials, Panels and Doctoral
Consortium. All submissions will be reviewed on the basis of relevance,
originality, importance and clarity in a triple peer review process. The
TPDL 2013 proceedings will be published by Springer-Verlag in the
Lecture Notes in Computer Science series
( The authors of the best
research papers submitted to TPDL2013 will be invited to submit
substantially extended versions of their paper for publication in a
Focused Issue of the International Journal on Digital Libraries
* Topics *
General areas of interests include, but are not limited to, the
following topics, organized in four categories, according to a
conceptualization that coincides with the four arms of the Maltese
- Information models
- Digital library conceptual models and formal issues
- Digital library 2.0
- Digital library education curricula
- Economic and legal aspects (e.g. rights management), landscape for
digital libraries
- Theoretical models of information interaction and organization
- Information policies
- Studies of human factors in networked information
- Scholarly primitives
- Novel research tools and methods with emphasis on digital humanities
- User behavior analysis and modeling
- Social-technical perspectives of digital information
- Digital library architectures
- Cloud and grid deployments
- Federation of repositories
- Collaborative and participatory information environments
- Data storage and indexing
- Big data management
- e-science, e-government, e-learning, cultural heritage
- Semi structured data
- Semantic web issues in digital libraries
- Ontologies and knowledge organization systems
- Linked Data and its applications
- Metadata schemas with emphasis to metadata for composite content
(Multimedia, geographical, statistical data and other special content
- Interoperability and Information integration
- Digital Curation and related workflows
- Preservation, authenticity and provenance
- Web archiving
- Social media and dynamically generated content for particular
uses/communities (education, science, public, etc.)
- Crowdsourcing
- 3D models indexing and retrieval
- Authority management issues
- Information Retrieval and browsing
- Multilingual and Multimedia Information Retrieval
- Personalization in digital libraries
- Context awareness in information access
- Semantic aware services
- Technologies for delivering/accessing digital libraries, e.g. mobile
- Visualization of large-scale information environments
- Evaluation of online information environments
- Quality metrics
- Interfaces to digital libraries
- Data mining/extraction of structure from networked information
- Social networks analysis and virtual organizations
- Traditional and alternative metrics of scholarly communication
- Mashups of resources
* Important Dates *
- Full and Short papers, Posters and Demonstrations: March 23, 2013
- Panels, Workshops, Tutorials: March 4, 2013
- Notification of acceptance for Papers, Posters, and Demonstrations:
May 20, 2013
- Notification of acceptance for Panels, Workshops and Tutorials: April
22, 2013
- Camera Ready Versions: June 9, 2013
- Doctoral Consortium Papers Submission Deadline: June 2, 2013
- Doctoral Consortium Acceptance Notification: July 2, 2013
- End of Early Registration: July 31, 2013
- Conference Dates: September 22-26, 2013
* Formatting Instructions *
Full papers (12 pages), short-papers (6 pages), posters and
demonstrations (4 pages) must be written in English and submitted in PDF
format. The TPDL 2013 proceedings will be published by Springer-Verlag
in Lecture Notes in Computer Science
( Therefore all submissions
should conform to the formatting instructions described in the "For
Authors" webpage
( For
Doctoral Consortium, papers are expected to have a maximum of 8-10
pages, including references. Papers is recommended to be formatted
according to Springer LNCS guidelines. In case your paper includes
images or screenshots please ensure that you set image compression at
600dpi when you produce your PDF file.
* Submission *
All papers, short-papers, posters and demonstrations must be submitted
in electronic format (PDF) via the conference's EasyChair submission
page (TBA). According to the Registration Regulation for TPDL 2013,
inclusion of papers in the Proceedings is conditional upon registration
of at least one author per paper.
* Organization *
General Chairs:
Milena Dobreva, University of Malta, Malta
Giannis Tsakonas, University of Patras, Greece
Program Chairs:
Christos Papatheodorou, Ionian University, Greece
Trond Aalberg, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway
Organizing Chair:
Charles J. Farrugia, National Archives, Malta
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