Bibliometrics Experience Needed

Amanda Hayes (Intern) ahayes at AAMC.ORG
Fri Jun 22 10:03:46 EDT 2012

Dear SIG Metrics community,

I am writing on behalf of Policy Research Studies within the Association of American Medical Colleges.  Our staff includes sociologists and statisticians with generally sound methodological and analytical skills including skills in social network analysis.  However, we have no experience in engaging in bibliometrics.  We would like to develop the human capital that we currently have on staff to be able to perform bibliometrics.

If you could help us identify workshops, short courses, or other resources that would enable us to participate in this work, we would very much appreciate it. We would also like to know about the expenses we should anticipate in being able to access the databases necessary to perform citation chain analyses, analyses of collaboration patterns, and other types of bibliometric studies. We would further like to know if there are ways we can minimize these expenses while still being able to perform high quality work.

If you have any information regarding this matter, please contact our Director of Policy Research Studies, Emory Morrison, at emorrison at<mailto:emorrison at>.

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