Another paper from the ejournal Cybermetrics

Isidro F. Aguillo isidro.aguillo at CCHS.CSIC.ES
Wed Jun 6 03:36:19 EDT 2012

Orduña-Malea, Enrique (2012).  Graphic, multimedia, and blog content 
presence in the Spanish academic web-space. Cybermetrics, 16(1):Paper 3.

The number of pages in a website is an indicator (related to its 
activity) widely used in cybermetric analysis. This indicator can be 
disaggregated by type of content and file type. In this sense, a gap in 
the literature about the treatment and quantitative analysis of 
multimedia files, graphics and type blog is detected, and particularly 
in their presence and distribution in the academic environment. This 
paper proposes a diachronic analysis in 2010 of media and graphic files 
count, and blog-like content for all websites which conforms the Spanish 
university space. Among the key findings, a very high percentage of 
blog-like content and image files are detected, which contrasts with the 
very low figures obtained for multimedia files. Otherwise, diverse 
limitations in image searchers used are found (coverage, variations 
between samples, instability and discrepancies between the calculation 
of global and file format counts), which call for a careful 
interpretation of the raw results obtained. Finally, a correlation 
between Bing images and Google images higher than expected (limited by a 
small set of URLs), and a sharp decrease on Bing coverage during the 
study period is obtained.


Isidro F. Aguillo, HonPhD

The Cybermetrics Lab
Albasanz, 26-28 (3C1)
28037 Madrid. Spain

isidro.aguillo @


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