AW: [SIGMETRICS] Addresses on papers

Bowman, Benjamin bowman at BIOCHEM.MPG.DE
Thu Jan 12 11:35:06 EST 2012

Dear Colleagues,

although I fully agree that for the particular situation mentioned by Lutz (research at X, teaching at Y), the institution which is "home to the reported research" is the only appropriate affiliation that should appear on the publication, the problem as to how "home" is defined still remains. Is it where the experiments were carried out? Is it the institution that has funded the research(er)? Is it both? Say, for example, a full-time scientist at X spends some time as a guest at Y to do research which could not be carried out at X. Which institution(s) should be indicated on the resulting paper: only X, only Y or both?

In my opinion, it would be preferable to have guidelines coming from the scientific community and their research institutions, rather than being forced to react to guidelines construed by publishers. Regardless of their source guidelines would, however, only be useful if they address a wide range of possibilities and if they are broadly accepted, applied and controlled. Having such reliable guidelines would obviously make life easier for bibliometricians and for those who use their data to draw appropriate conclusions regarding an institution´s research impact, but achieving this will not be easy.

Kind regards,
Ben Bowman

Dr. Benjamin F. Bowman                          bowman at<mailto:bowman at>
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Von: ASIS&T Special Interest Group on Metrics [mailto:SIGMETRICS at LISTSERV.UTK.EDU] Im Auftrag von Prof. T.D. Wilson
Gesendet: Donnerstag, 12. Januar 2012 15:36
Betreff: Re: [SIGMETRICS] Addresses on papers

uld be to say that the appropriate institution is the one that was 'home' to the reported research.

On 12 January 2012 14:24, Bornmann, Lutz <lutz.bornmann at<mailto:lutz.bornmann at>> wrote:
Dear colleagues,

Perhaps, someone can help me according to the following question:

As you know each author has to mention his/ her affiliation on a publication. Many bibliometric studies are based on the information which is given here. However, many scientists have more than one affiliations (e.g., do research at one institution and teach at another, or do temporarily work at another institution than the primary institution).

The question is whether there exist general rules/ guidelines (e.g., of journals) which address should be given on a paper (e.g., only the address of the institution which pay the salary)?

Many thanks for answers,



Dr. Dr. habil. Lutz Bornmann
Max Planck Society
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Email: bornmann at<mailto:bornmann at>

Professor T.D. Wilson, PhD, Hed.Dr, PhD (h.c.)
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