Papers from SCIENTOMETRICS 93 (3). DEC 2012.

Eugene Garfield eugene.garfield at THOMSONREUTERS.COM
Sat Dec 15 15:38:35 EST 2012

TITLE:          Counting citations in the field of business and
                management: why use Google Scholar rather than the Web of Science
                (Article, English)
AUTHOR:         Amara, N; Landry, R
SOURCE:         SCIENTOMETRICS 93 (3). DEC 2012. p.553-581 SPRINGER,

SEARCH TERM(S):  HIRSCH JE          P NATL ACAD SCI USA   102:16569 2005;
                 CITATION*  item_title

KEYWORDS:       Contributions record; Citations; h-index; ISI; Google
                Scholar; Business scholars

ABSTRACT:       Research assessment carries important implications both
at the individual and institutional levels. This paper examines the
research outputs of scholars in business schools and shows how their
performance assessment is significantly affected when using data
extracted either from the Thomson ISI Web of Science (WoS) or from Google
Scholar (GS). The statistical analyses of this paper are based on a large
survey data of scholars of Canadian business schools, used jointly with
data extracted from the WoS and GS databases. Firstly, the findings of
this study reveal that the average performance of B scholars regarding
the number of contributions, citations, and the h-index is much higher
when performances are assessed using GS rather than WoS. Moreover, the
results also show that the scholars who exhibit the highest performances
when assessed in reference to articles published in ISI-listed journals
also exhibit the highest performances in Google Scholar. Secondly, the
absence of association between the strength of ties forged with
companies, as well as between the customization of the knowledge
transferred to companies and research performances of B scholars such as
measured by indicators extracted from WoS and GS, provides some evidence
suggesting that mode 1 and 2 knowledge productions might be compatible.
Thirdly, the results also indicate that senior B scholars did not differ
in a statistically significant manner from their junior colleagues with
regard to the proportion of contributions compiled in WoS and GS.
However, the results show that assistant professors have a higher
proportion of citations in WoS than associate and full professors have.
Fourthly, the results of this study suggest that B scholars in accounting
tend to publish a smaller proportion of their work in GS than their
colleagues in information management, finance and economics. Fifthly, the
results of this study show that there is no significant difference
between the contributions record of scholars located in English language
and French language B schools when their performances are assessed with
Google Scholar. However, scholars in English language B schools exhibit
higher citation performances and higher h-indices both in WoS and GS.
Overall, B scholars might not be confronted by having to choose between
two incompatible knowledge production modes, but with the requirement of
the evidence-based management approach. As a consequence, the various
assessment exercises undertaken by university administrators, government
agencies and associations of business schools should complement the data
provided in WoS with those provided in GS.

AUTHOR ADDRESS: N Amara, Univ Laval, Fac Business, Quebec City, PQ G1V 0A6,

TITLE:          The d-index: Discovering dependences among scientific
                collaborators from their bibliographic data records (Article, English)
AUTHOR:         Di Caro, L; Cataldi, M; Schifanella, C
SOURCE:         SCIENTOMETRICS 93 (3). DEC 2012. p.583-607 SPRINGER,


KEYWORDS:       Evaluation metrics; Social networks; Research evaluation;
                Collaboration analysis; Data visualization

ABSTRACT:       The evaluation of the work of a researcher and its impact
on the research community has been deeply studied in literature through
the definition of several measures, first among all the h-index and its
variations. Although these measures represent valuable tools for
analyzing researchers' outputs, they usually assume the co-authorship to
be a proportional collaboration between the parts, missing out their
relationships and the relative scientific influences. In this work, we
propose the d-index, a novel measure that estimates the dependence degree
between authors on their research environment along their entire
scientific publication history. We also present a web application that
implements these ideas and provides a number of visualization tools for
analyzing and comparing scientific dependences among all the scientists
in the DBLP bibliographic database. Finally, relying on this web
environment, we present case and user studies that highlight both the
validity and the reliability of the proposed evaluation measure.

AUTHOR ADDRESS: L Di Caro, Univ Turin, Dept Comp Sci, Turin, Italy

TITLE:          Transnational citation, technological diversity and small
                world in global nanotechnology patenting (Article, English)
AUTHOR:         Guan, JC; Shi, Y
SOURCE:         SCIENTOMETRICS 93 (3). DEC 2012. p.609-633 SPRINGER,

SEARCH TERM(S):  CITATION  item_title; CITATION*  item_title

KEYWORDS:       Patent citation network; Nanotechnology; Technological
                classification; Small world

ABSTRACT:       Despite the extensive studies conducted in the field of
nanotechnology based on US patent data, the choice of a single database
may impede a wider view of this technology frontier. Based on patent data
from the Derwent Innovation Index database that covers the data of 41
major patent offices, we review the development of nanotechnology
patenting from the dimensions of patenting authority and technological
classification. We find that a small number of countries dominating the
technology have similar technological diversity in terms of
nanotechnology patents. After the discussion and summary of the citation
modes and citation rate curve, we construct the patent citation networks
at the patent document level and discuss the distinctive transnational
citation patterns. We then use Search Path Count Method to extract the
technological trajectory, where we find very high selectiveness. In the
final section of this paper, we discover the small world phenomenon in
the citation networks, which is widely investigated in undirected
networks such as co-authorship networks, but rarely touched in citation
networks due to the limitations of the presumptions. We propose the
reachable path length and citation clustering in the revised small world
model for acyclic directed networks and provide the realistic meaning of
the new measures.

AUTHOR ADDRESS: JC Guan, Chinese Acad Sci, Grad Univ, Sch Management,
                Beijing 100190, Peoples R China

TITLE:          Discovery of factors influencing citation impact based on
                a soft fuzzy rough set model (Article, English)
AUTHOR:         Wang, MY; Yu, G; An, S; Yu, DR
SOURCE:         SCIENTOMETRICS 93 (3). DEC 2012. p.635-644 SPRINGER,

                 HIRSCH JE          P NATL ACAD SCI USA   102:16569 2005;
                 MERTON RK          SCIENCE               159:56    1968;
                 CITATION  item_title; CITATION*  item_title

KEYWORDS:       Citation impact; Highly cited papers; Soft fuzzy rough set

ABSTRACT:       In this paper, the machine learning tools were used to
identify key features influencing citation impact. Both the papers'
external and quality information were considered in constructing papers'
feature space. Based on the feature space, the soft fuzzy rough set was
used to generate a series of associated feature subsets. Then, the KNN
classifier was used to find the feature subset with the best
classification performance. The results show that citation impact could
be predicted by objectively assessed factors. Both the papers' quality
and external features, mainly represented as the reputation of the first
author, are contributed to future citation impact.

AUTHOR ADDRESS: MY Wang, NE Forestry Univ, Coll Informat & Comp Engn,
                Harbin 150040, Peoples R China

TITLE:          Discovering and analyzing the intellectual structure and
                its evolution of LIS in China, 1998-2007 (Article, English)
AUTHOR:         Ma, RM
SOURCE:         SCIENTOMETRICS 93 (3). DEC 2012. p.645-659 SPRINGER,

SEARCH TERM(S):  WHITE HD           J AM SOC INFORM SCI    32:163   1981

KEYWORDS:       Author cocitation analysis; Intellectual structure;
                Library and Information Science; Domain mapping;
                Visualization; China

ABSTRACT:       The intellectual structure and its evolution of library
and information science (LIS) in China are analyzed with time series data
from Chinese Social Sciences Citation Index which is the properest
database for ACA practice in the field of social science at present. The
result indicates that the subfields of Library and Information Science in
China kept changing from 1998 to 2007: some subfields have emerged and
developed a lot, e.g., webometrics and competitive intelligence; some
subfields maintain, e.g., bibliometrics and intellectual property; and
some subfields have begun to decline, e.g., cataloging. Through the
comparison with the international LIS, it is found that there are some
unique subfields in Chinese LIS from 1998 to 2007, such as competitive
intelligence and intellectual property. At the same time, I also suggest
that Chinese authors in LIS should pay more attention to the applied
research in the future.

AUTHOR ADDRESS: RM Ma, Shanxi Univ, Sch Management, Taiyuan 030006, Shanxi,
                Peoples R China

TITLE:          A comparison of top economics departments in the US and
                EU on the basis of the multidimensional prestige of influential articles
                in 2010 (Article, English)
AUTHOR:         Garcia, JA; Rodriguez-Sanchez, R; Fdez-Valdivia, J
SOURCE:         SCIENTOMETRICS 93 (3). DEC 2012. p.681-698 SPRINGER,

                 HIRSCH JE          P NATL ACAD SCI USA   102:16569 2005;
                 GARFIELD E         JAMA-J AM MED ASSOC   295:90    2006

KEYWORDS:       Publication-based ranking; Economics department;
                Multidimensional prestige; Influential articles; ISI
                Impact Factor; Citation impact; Princeton University; MIT;
                Oxford University
                SCOPUS; IMPACT

ABSTRACT:       Here we show a comparison of top economics departments in
the US and EU based on a summary measure of the multidimensional prestige
of influential papers in 2010. The multidimensional prestige takes into
account that several indicators should be used for a distinct analysis of
structural changes at the score distribution of paper prestige. We argue
that the prestige of influential articles should not only consider one
indicator as a single dimension, but in addition take into account
further dimensions, since several different indicators have been
developed to evaluate the impact of academic papers. After having
identified the multidimensionally influential articles from an economics
department, their prestige scores can be aggregated to produce a summary
measure of the multidimensional prestige of research output of this
department, which satisfies numerous properties.

AUTHOR ADDRESS: JA Garcia, Univ Granada, Dept Ciencias Comp & IA, CITIC
                UGR, E-18071 Granada, Spain

TITLE:          Blockmodeling of co-authorship networks in library and
                information science in Argentina: a case study (Article, English)
AUTHOR:         Chinchilla-Rodriguez, Z; Ferligoj, A; Miguel, S;
                Kronegger, L; de Moya-Anegon, F
SOURCE:         SCIENTOMETRICS 93 (3). DEC 2012. p.699-717 SPRINGER,


KEYWORDS:       Scientific collaboration; Bibliometrics; Blockmodeling;
                Social network analysis
                PATTERNS; IMPACT

ABSTRACT:       The paper introduces the use of blockmodeling in the
micro-level study of the internal structure of co-authorship networks
over time. Variations in scientific productivity and researcher or
research group visibility were determined by observing authors' role in
the core-periphery structure and crossing this information with
bibliometric data. Three techniques were applied to represent the
structure of collaborative science: (1) the blockmodeling; (2) the Kamada-
Kawai algorithm based on the similarities in co-authorships present in
the documents analysed; (3) bibliometrics to determine output volume,
impact and degree of collaboration from the bibliographic data drawn from
publications. The goal was to determine the extent to which the use of
these two complementary approaches, in conjunction with bibliometric
data, provides greater insight into the structure and characteristics of
a given field of scientific endeavour. The paper describes certain
features of Pajek software and how it can be used to study research group
composition, structure and dynamics. The approach combines bibliometric
and social network analysis to explore scientific collaboration networks
and monitor individual and group careers from new perspectives. Its
application on a small-scale case study is intended as an example and can
be used in other disciplines. It may be very useful for the appraisal of
scientific developments.

AUTHOR ADDRESS: Z Chinchilla-Rodriguez, CSIC, Ctr Ciencias Humanas & Soc,
                Inst Polit & Bienes Publ, C Albasanz 26-28, Madrid 28037,

TITLE:          A bibliometric portrait of the evolution, scientific
                roots and influence of the literature on university-industry links
                (Article, English)
AUTHOR:         Teixeira, AAC; Mota, L
SOURCE:         SCIENTOMETRICS 93 (3). DEC 2012. p.719-743 SPRINGER,

                 SMALL H            J AM SOC INFORM SCI    50:799   1999;
                 BIBLIOMETR*  item_title

KEYWORDS:       University-industry links; Entrepreneurial universities;
                Technology transfer; University spin offs; Bibliometrics

ABSTRACT:       The study of university-industry (U-I) relations has been
the focus of growing interest in the literature. However, to date, a
quantitative overview of the existing literature in this field has yet to
be accomplished. This study intends to fill this gap through the use of
bibliometric techniques. By using three different yet interrelated
databases-a database containing the articles published on U-I links,
which encompass 534 articles published between 1986 and 2011; a 'roots'
database, which encompasses over 20,000 references to the articles
published on U-I relations; and a 'influences' database which includes
more than 15,000 studies that cited the articles published on U-I
relations-we obtained the following results: (1) 'Academic spin offs',
'Scientific and technological policies' and (to a greater extent)
'Knowledge Transfer Channels' are topics in decline; (2) 'Characteristics
of universities, firms and scientists', along with 'Regional spillovers',
show remarkable growth, and 'Measures and indicators' can be considered
an emergent topic; (3) clear tendency towards 'empirical' works, although
'appreciative and empirical' papers constitute the bulk of this
literature; (4) the multidisciplinary nature of the intellectual roots of
the U-I literature-an interesting blending of neoclassical economics
(focused on licensing, knowledge transfer and high-tech entrepreneurship)
and heterodox approaches (mainly related to systems of innovation) is
observed in terms of intellectual roots; (5) the influence of the U-I
literature is largely concentrated on the industrialized world and on the
research area of innovation and technology (i.e., some 'scientific
endogamy' is observed).

AUTHOR ADDRESS: AAC Teixeira, Univ Porto, CEF UP, Fac Econ, INESC
                TEC,OBEGEF, Rua Dr Roberto Frias, P-4200464 Oporto, Portugal

TITLE:          Prescribed practices of authorship: review of codes of
                ethics from professional bodies and journal guidelines across disciplines
                (Article, English)
AUTHOR:         Bosnjak, L; Marusic, A
SOURCE:         SCIENTOMETRICS 93 (3). DEC 2012. p.751-763 SPRINGER,

SEARCH TERM(S):  JOURNAL  item_title

KEYWORDS:       Indexing databases; Journals; Publishers; Professional
                organizations; Authorship; Policy; Ethics codes

ABSTRACT:       Guidelines on authorship requirements are common in
biomedical journals but it is not known how authorship is defined by
journals and scholarly professional organizations across research
disciplines. Prevalence of authorship statements, their specificity and
tone, and contributions required for authorship were assessed in 185
journals from Science Citation Index (SCI) and Social Science Citation
Index (SSCI), 260 journals from Arts & Humanities Citation Index (A&HCI)
and 651 codes of ethics from professional organizations from the online
database of the Center for the Study of Ethics in the Profession, USA. In
SCI, 53 % of the top-ranked journals had an authorship statement,
compared with 32 % in SSCI. In a random sample of A&HCI-indexed journals,
only 6 % of the journals addressed authorship. Only 71 (11 %) codes of
ethics carried a statement on authorship. Almost all journals had defined
authorship criteria compared with 33 % of the ethics codes (chi(2)(1) =
75.975; P < 0.001). The tone of the statements in the journals was
aspirational, whereas ethics codes used a normative language for defining
authorship (chi(2)(1) = 51.709, P < 0.001). Journals mostly required both
research and writing contributions for authorship, while two-thirds of
the ethics codes defined only research as a mandatory contribution. In
conclusion, the lack of and variety of authorship definitions in journals
and professional organizations across scientific disciplines may be
confusing for the researchers and lead to poor authorship practices. All
stakeholders in research need to collaborate on building the environment
where ethical behaviour in authorship is a norm.

AUTHOR ADDRESS: A Marusic, Univ Split, Dept Res Biomed & Hlth, Sch Med,
                Soltanska 2, Split 21000, Croatia

TITLE:          Ten challenges in modeling bibliographic data for
                bibliometric analysis (Article, English)
AUTHOR:         Ferrara, A; Salini, S
SOURCE:         SCIENTOMETRICS 93 (3). DEC 2012. p.765-785 SPRINGER,

SEARCH TERM(S):  HIRSCH JE          P NATL ACAD SCI USA   102:16569 2005;
                 BIBLIOGRAPHIC*  item_title; BIBLIOMETR*  item_title

KEYWORDS:       Dimensional data modeling; Multivariate statistics;
                Multidimensional data analysis; Topics models

ABSTRACT:       The complexity and variety of bibliographic data is
growing, and efforts to define new methodologies and techniques for
bibliometric analysis are intensifying. In this complex scenario, one of
the most crucial issues is the quality of data and the capability of
bibliometric analysis to cope with multiple data dimensions. Although the
problem of enforcing a multidimensional approach to the analysis and
management of bibliographic data is not new, a reference design pattern
and a specific conceptual model for multidimensional analysis of
bibliographic data are still missing. In this paper, we discuss ten of
the most relevant challenges for bibliometric analysis when dealing with
multidimensional data, and we propose a reference data model that,
according to different goals, can help analysis designers and
bibliographic experts in working with large collections of bibliographic

AUTHOR ADDRESS: S Salini, Univ Milan, Dipartimento Sci Econ Aziendali &
                Stat, Milan, Italy

TITLE:          A general framework for describing diversity within
                systems and similarity between systems with applications in informetrics
                (Article, English)
AUTHOR:         Zhou, QJ; Rousseau, R; Yang, LY; Yue, T; Yang, GL
SOURCE:         SCIENTOMETRICS 93 (3). DEC 2012. p.787-812 SPRINGER,


KEYWORDS:       Diversity; Cosine index; Field-similarity weighted cosine
                measure; Homogeneity; Interdisciplinarity; Evenness of
                national disciplinary structure

ABSTRACT:       Building on the ideas of Stirling (J R Soc Interface,
4(15), 707-719, 2007) and Rafols and Meyer (Scientometrics, 82(2), 263-
287, 2010), we borrow models of genetic distance based on gene diversity
and propose a general conceptual framework to investigate the diversity
within and among systems and the similarity between systems. This
framework can be used to reveal the relationship of systems weighted by
the similarity of the corresponding categories. Application of the
framework to scientometrics is explored to evaluate the balance of
national disciplinary structures, and the homogeneity of disciplinary
structures between countries.

AUTHOR ADDRESS: QJ Zhou, Chinese Acad Sci, Natl Sci Lib, Beijing 100190,
                Peoples R China

TITLE:          Bibliometric analysis for development of research
                strategies in agricultural technology: the case of Taiwan (Article,
AUTHOR:         Lee, LC; Lee, YY; Liaw, YC
SOURCE:         SCIENTOMETRICS 93 (3). DEC 2012. p.813-830 SPRINGER,


KEYWORDS:       Bibliometric analysis; Technology foresight; Research
                strategies; Agricultural technology; S-curve; Revealed
                comparative advantage (RCA)
                SCIENCE; ENERGY

ABSTRACT:       Due to rapid environmental change, policymakers no longer
choose foresight issues based on their own experience. Instead, they need
to consider all the possible factors that will influence new
technological developments and formulate an appropriate future
technological development strategy to the country through the technology
foresight system. For the sake of gathering more objective evidence to
convince stakeholders to support the foresight issues, researchers can
employ bibliometric analysis to describe current scientific development
and forecast possible future development trends. Through this process, a
consensus is reached about the direction of future technology
development. However, we believe that bibliometric analysis can do more
for technology policy formulation, such as (1) offer quantitative data as
evidence to support the results of qualitative analysis; (2) review the
situations of literature publication in specific technological fields to
seize the current stage of technology development; and (3) help us grasp
the relative advantage of foresight issues development in Taiwan and the
world and develop profound strategic planning in accordance with the
concept of Revealed Comparative Advantage. For those reasons, our
research will revisit the role that bibliometric analysis plays for
nations while choosing the foresight issues. In addition, we will analyze
the development of the technology policy in Taiwan based on bibliometric
analysis, and complete the foresight issues selection by processing key
issue integration, key word collection related to this field, the
searching and confirmation of literature, development opportunities
exploration, comparative development advantage analysis and the
innovation-foresight matrix construction, etc.

AUTHOR ADDRESS: YC Liaw, Ming Chi Univ Technol, Dept Business Management,
                84 Gongzhuan Rd, New Taipei City, Taiwan

TITLE:          The growth of science and database coverage (Article,
AUTHOR:         Michels, C; Schmoch, U
SOURCE:         SCIENTOMETRICS 93 (3). DEC 2012. p.831-846 SPRINGER,

SEARCH TERM(S):  SEGLEN PO          J AM SOC INFORM SCI    43:628   1992

KEYWORDS:       Database coverage; Growth of science; Provider policy

ABSTRACT:       Recently there has been huge growth in the number of
articles displayed on the Web of Science (WoS), but it is unclear whether
this is linked to a growth of science or simply additional coverage of
already existing journals by the database provider. An analysis of the
category of journals in the period of 2000-2008 shows that the number of
basic journals covered by Web of Science (WoS) steadily decreased,
whereas the number of new, recently established journals increased. A
rising number of older journals is also covered. These developments imply
a crescive number of articles, but a more significant effect is the
enlargement of traditional, basic journals in terms of annual articles.
All in all it becomes obvious that the data set is quite instable due to
high fluctuation caused by the annual selection criteria, the impact
factor. In any case, it is important to look at the structures at the
level of specific fields in order to differentiate between "real" and
"artificial" growth. Our findings suggest that even-though a growth of
about 34 % can be measured in article numbers in the period of 2000-2008,
17 % of this growth stems from the inclusion of old journals that have
been published for a longer time but were simply not included in the
database so far.

AUTHOR ADDRESS: U Schmoch, Fraunhofer Inst Syst & Innovat Res ISI,
                Competence Ctr Policy & Reg, Karlsruhe, Germany

TITLE:          Gender differences in scientific productivity: a
                persisting phenomenon? (Article, English)
AUTHOR:         van Arensbergen, P; van der Weijden, I; van den
                Besselaar, P
SOURCE:         SCIENTOMETRICS 93 (3). DEC 2012. p.857-868 SPRINGER,

                 WENNERAS C         NATURE                387:341   1997

KEYWORDS:       Scholarly performance; Gender differences; Generation
                FACULTY; IMPACT

ABSTRACT:       There is substantial literature on research performance
differences between male and female researchers, and its explanation.
Using publication records of 852 social scientists, we show that
performance differences indeed exist. However, our case study suggests
that in the younger generation of researchers these have disappeared. If
performance differences exist at all in our case, young female
researchers outperform young male researchers. The trend in developed
societies, that women increasingly outperform men in all levels of
education, is also becoming effective in the science system.

AUTHOR ADDRESS: P van den Besselaar, Vrije Univ Amsterdam, Dept Org Sci,
                Amsterdam, Netherlands

TITLE:          Effects of international collaboration and status of
                journal on impact of papers (Article, English)
AUTHOR:         Peclin, S; Juznic, P; Blagus, R; Sajko, MC; Stare, J
SOURCE:         SCIENTOMETRICS 93 (3). DEC 2012. p.937-948 SPRINGER,

SEARCH TERM(S):  JOURNAL  item_title

KEYWORDS:       Co-authorship; Journal impact factor; International
                collaboration; Slovenia
                INDICATORS; SCIENCE

ABSTRACT:       This study examines the effect of international
collaboration of Slovenian authors and the status of journals where
papers are published (as determined by their impact factors) on the
impact of papers as measured by the number of citations papers receive.
Research programme groups working in Slovenia in the 2004-2008 period in
the fields of physics, chemistry, biology, biotechnology, and medical
science were used for analyses. The results of the analyses show that the
effects of the two factors differ among the fields. We discuss possible
reasons for this, including the possibility that differences are the
result of Slovenia's science policy.

AUTHOR ADDRESS: P Juznic, Univ Ljubljana, Fac Arts, Dept Lib & Informat Sci
                & Book Studies, Ljubljana, Slovenia

TITLE:          On the relationship between citations of publication
                output and Hirsch index h of authors: conceptualization of tapered Hirsch
                index h(T), circular citation area radius R and citation acceleration a
                (Article, English)
AUTHOR:         Sangwal, K
SOURCE:         SCIENTOMETRICS 93 (3). DEC 2012. p.987-1004 SPRINGER,

SEARCH TERM(S):  HIRSCH JE          P NATL ACAD SCI USA   102:16569 2005;
                 CITATION  item_title; CITATION*  item_title

KEYWORDS:       Citations L; Citation acceleration a; Circular citation
                area radius R; Ferrers diagrams; Hirsch constant A =
                L/h(2); Hirsch index h; Publication output; Tapered h
                index (h(T))

ABSTRACT:       The nature of the empirical proportionality constant A in
the relation L = Ah(2) between total number of citations L of the
publication output of an author and his/her Hirsch index h is analyzed
using data of the publication output and citations for six scientists
elected to the membership of the Royal Society in 2006 and 199 professors
working in different institutions in Poland. The main problem with the h
index of different authors calculated by using the above relation is that
it underestimates the ranking of scientists publishing papers receiving
very high citations and results in high values of A. It was found that
the value of the Hirsch constant A for different scientists is associated
with the discreteness of h and is related to the tapered Hirsch index
h(T) by A(1/2) approximate to 1.21h(T). To overcome the drawback of a
wide range of A associated with the discreteness of h for different
authors, a simple index, the radius R of circular citation area, defined
as R = (L/pi)(1/2) approximate to h, is suggested. This circular citation
area radius R is easy to calculate and improves the ranking of scientists
publishing high-impact papers. Finally, after introducing the concept of
citation acceleration a = L/t (2) = pi(R/t)(2) (t is publication duration
of a scientist), some general features of citations of publication output
of Polish professors are described in terms of their citability. Analysis
of the data of Polish professors in terms of citation acceleration a
shows that: (1) the citability of the papers of a majority of physics and
chemistry professors is much higher than that of technical sciences
professors, and (2) increasing fraction of conference papers as well as
non-English papers and engagement in administrative functions of
professors result in decreasing citability of their overall publication

AUTHOR ADDRESS: K Sangwal, Lublin Univ Technol, Dept Appl Phys, Ul
                Nadbystrzycka 38, PL-20618 Lublin, Poland

TITLE:          Comparison of trends in the quantity and variety of
                Science Citation Index (SCI) literature on human pathogens between China
                and the United States (Article, English)
AUTHOR:         Tian, DQ; Yu, YZ; Wang, YM; Zheng, T
SOURCE:         SCIENTOMETRICS 93 (3). DEC 2012. p.1019-1027 SPRINGER,

                 CITATION*  item_title

KEYWORDS:       Pathogenic microorganism; SCI literature; United States;
                China; Variety; Quantity

ABSTRACT:       The proportion of pathogenic microorganisms in the
microbial world is relatively small, while their threat to human health,
economic development and social stability is severe. The quantity and
variation of Science Citation Index (SCI) literature related to
pathogenic microorganisms may reflect the level of relevant research and
the degree of attention. Here we compared trends in the quantity and
variety of SCI literature relating to certain important pathogenic
microorganisms published by scientists from United States and China from
1996 to 2010 by searching the Science Citation Index database. The
pathogenic microorganisms in this study comprise two categories of
pathogens: Bacillus anthracis, Yersinia pestis, Francisella tularensis,
Ebola virus, Burkholderia pseudomallei, which belong to biodefense-
associated pathogens (BDAPs) and the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV),
SARS coronavirus, hepatitis B virus (HBV), Mycobacterium tuberculosis,
influenza virus, which belong to the commonly encountered health-
threatening pathogens. Our results showed that the United States (US)
published much more SCI literature on these pathogens than China.
Furthermore, literature on BDAPs published by scientists from the US has
increased sharply since 2002. However, the numbers of literature relating
to CEHTPs from China has demonstrated a gradual increase from 1996 to
2010. Research into pathogenic microorganisms requires three balance to
be achieved: investment in BDAP and CEHTP studies; basic and applied
research; a faster pace of research into pathogens and fulfilling
biosafety and biosecurity requirements.

AUTHOR ADDRESS: T Zheng, Beijing Inst Biotechnol, Beijing 100071, Peoples R

TITLE:          Scientific production and citation impact: a bibliometric
                analysis in acupuncture over three decades (Article, English)
AUTHOR:         Fu, JY; Zhang, X; Zhao, YH; Tong, HF; Chen, DZ; Huang, MH
SOURCE:         SCIENTOMETRICS 93 (3). DEC 2012. p.1061-1079 SPRINGER,

SEARCH TERM(S):  HIRSCH JE          P NATL ACAD SCI USA   102:16569 2005;
                 CITED ARTICLE  abstract; BIBLIOMETR*  item_title;
                 CITATION  item_title; CITATION*  item_title

KEYWORDS:       Acupuncture; Publication; Citation; Bibliometric analysis

ABSTRACT:       Acupuncture, the most important nonpharmacological
therapy in traditional Chinese medicine, has attracted significant
attention since its introduction to the Western world. This study employs
bibliometric analysis to examine the profile of publication activity
related to it. The data are retrieved from the database of Science
Citation Index Expanded during 1980-2009, and 7,592 papers are identified
for analysis. This study finds that almost 20 % of papers are published
in CAM journals, and the average cited times per acupuncture paper is
8.69. While the most cited article has been cited 2,109 times, however,
38.15 % of total publications have never been cited. Europe has the
largest amount of authored papers with high h-index values; the USA has
the largest number of publications on and citations of acupuncture based
on country distribution, and this has continued as a significant rising
trend. The proportion of collaborative papers shows this upward trend on
the worldwide scale while the percentage shares of national
collaborations are the highest. The USA produces the most international
collaborative documents, although South Korea occupies the highest
percentage figure for international collaborative papers. International
collaborative papers are the most frequently cited. The average number of
authors per paper is 3.69 in the top eight countries/regions. Papers
contributed by South Korea are authored by the most people. International
collaboration papers are authored by more people, except in Taiwan. South
Korea's Kyung Hee University is ranked first in terms of number of papers
while Harvard University in the USA accounts for the largest proportion
of citations. The University of Exeter, Harvard University and Karolinska
Institute have the highest h-index values.

AUTHOR ADDRESS: MH Huang, Natl Taiwan Univ, Dept Lib & Informat Sci, 1,Sec
                4,Roosevelt Rd, Taipei 10617, Taiwan

TITLE:          Ranking of research output of universities on the basis
                of the multidimensional prestige of influential fields: Spanish
                universities as a case of study (Article, English)
AUTHOR:         Garcia, JA; Rodriguez-Sanchez, R; Fdez-Valdivia, J;
                Torres-Salinas, D; Herrera, F
SOURCE:         SCIENTOMETRICS 93 (3). DEC 2012. p.1081-1099 SPRINGER,

SEARCH TERM(S):  HIRSCH JE          P NATL ACAD SCI USA   102:16569 2005

KEYWORDS:       Publication-based ranking; Spanish universities;
                Bibliometrics; Multidimensional prestige; Influential
                fields of study
                IMPACT; INDEX

ABSTRACT:       A university may be considered as having dimension-
specific prestige in a scientific field (e.g., physics) when a particular
bibliometric research performance indicator exceeds a threshold value.
But a university has multidimensional prestige in a field of study only
if it is influential with respect to a number of dimensions. The
multidimensional prestige of influential fields at a given university
takes into account that several prestige indicators should be used for a
distinct analysis of the influence of a university in a particular field
of study. After having identified the multidimensionally influential
fields of study at a university their prestige scores can be aggregated
to produce a summary measure of the multidimensional prestige of
influential fields at this university, which satisfies numerous
properties. Here we use this summary measure of multidimensional prestige
to assess the comparative performance of Spanish Universities during the
period 2006-2010.

AUTHOR ADDRESS: JA Garcia, Univ Granada, CITIC UGR, Dept Ciencias Comp &
                IA, E-18071 Granada, Spain

TITLE:          A bibliometric analysis of solar power research from 1991
                to 2010 (Article, English)
AUTHOR:         Dong, BS; Xu, GQ; Luo, X; Cai, Y; Gao, W
SOURCE:         SCIENTOMETRICS 93 (3). DEC 2012. p.1101-1117 SPRINGER,

                 BIBLIOMETR*  item_title;
                 GARFIELD E         CURR CONTENTS          32:5     1990

KEYWORDS:       Solar power; Bibliometric; SCI; Solar cell; Materials

ABSTRACT:       A bibliometric analysis was performed on solar power-
related research between 1991 and 2010 in journals of all the subject
categories of the Science Citation Index. "Solar cell", "solar energy",
"solar power", "solar radiation" and "solar thermal" were selected as
keywords to search in a part of the title, abstract or keywords. The
trends were analyzed with the retrieved results in the publication type
and language, characters of scientific output, publication distribution
by countries, subject categories and journals, and the frequency of title-
words and keywords used. Articles on solar power showed a significant
growth along with more participation of countries, while the percentage
of international papers reduced. The USA was the country with the most
related articles and the most-frequent partner among all the
international collaborative articles. Articles of Mainland China and
South Korea grew much faster than other countries in the latest 5 years.
Chemistry and material fields gradually became the mainstream of the
solar power research. Synthetically analyzing three kinds of keywords, it
showed that thin film solar photovoltaic technology was a hot spot of the
solar power research in the past 20 years. "Dye-sensitized solar cell"
and "organic" had extremely high increasing rates, which indicated that
more attention was paid to kinds of organic solar cells. It could be
concluded that the materials of solar cells would be the emphasis of
solar power research in the twenty-first century.

AUTHOR ADDRESS: X Luo, Beihang Univ, Natl Key Lab Sci & Technol Aeroengine
                Aerothermod, Beijing 100191, Peoples R China


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