Measuring institutional output in the social sciences

Ossenblok Truyken Truyken.Ossenblok at UA.AC.BE
Fri Dec 7 04:52:52 EST 2012

Dear mr Barjak

In Flanders (Belgium) we have built the Flemish Academic Bibliographic Database for the Social Sciences and Humanities (VABB-SHW) to measure output in the SSH. In Norway as well, a new database named the Current Research Information System In Norway or CRIStin, has been constructed for this purpose. CRIStin covers all publications of all disciplines, thus including those of the SSH.

More information can be found in the following articles:

-          Engels Tim, Ossenblok Truyken, Spruyt Eric.- Changing publication patterns in the social sciences and humanities, 2000-2009. Scientometrics: an international journal for all quantitative aspects of the science of science and science policy - ISSN 0138-9130 - 93:2(2012), p. 373-390 -

-          Ossenblok Truyken, Engels Tim, Sivertsen Gunnar.- The representation of the social sciences and humanities in the Web of Science : a comparison of publication patterns and incentive structures in Flanders and Norway (2005-9). Research evaluation - ISSN 0958-2029 - 21:4(2012), p. 280-290 -

-          Schneider Jesper -An outline of the bibliometric indicator used for performance-based funding of research institutions in Norway. European Political Science, 8(3), 364-378 (2009) -  doi:10.1057/eps.2009.19

Best regards

Truyken Ossenblok
Doctoraatsstudent Expertisecentrum O&O Monitoring (ECOOM)
PhD student Centre for R&D Monitoring
Universiteit Antwerpen | ECOOM
Middelheimlaan 1| 2020 Antwerpen | Belgium
Tel: +32 3 265 31 07 | truyken.ossenblok at<mailto:truyken.ossenblok at>

From: ASIS&T Special Interest Group on Metrics [mailto:SIGMETRICS at LISTSERV.UTK.EDU] On Behalf Of Barjak Franz
Sent: donderdag 6 december 2012 14:25
Subject: [SIGMETRICS] Measuring institutional output in the social sciences

Dear list,

The weaknesses of using mainly journal-based databases for measuring output in the social sciences and humanities are widely discussed and well known. I would be interested in literature or approaches on how to measure institutional output in the social sciences. I am looking to answers on questions such as:
- What types of publications should be counted?
- Is there an accepted procedure for combining them into a publication index or indices or, in other words, should different types of publications get different weights?
- How should such measures be normalised at institutional level?
- Have institutional practices of measuring output ever been analysed or compared?

Thanks for any suggestions and hints to literature.
Best wishes
Franz Barjak

Dr. Franz Barjak
Professor for Empirical Economic & Social Research
University of Applied Sciences
Northwestern Switzerland FHNW
School of Business
Riggenbachstrasse 16
CH-4600 Olten
franz.barjak at<mailto:franz.barjak at>
p. +41 62 287 7825, fax: +41 62 287 7845

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