STI 2012 - Final programme now available
Larivière Vincent
vincent.lariviere at UMONTREAL.CA
Fri Aug 17 15:52:38 EDT 2012
*********** Apologies for cross-posting ***********
International Science and Technology Indicators (STI) - Montreal, Canada, September 5-8, 2012.
The International Science and Technology Indicators (STI) Conference, held under the aegis of the European Network of Indicators Designers (ENID) since 2011 (when the two merged), provides a unique chance to leading researchers in the field to share their ideas on how to improve the precision of S&T indicators and on how to clearly present results-an area where advanced visualisation techniques play a growing role.
This is the first time that the STI Conference is held outside Europe, and the Montreal indicators community is rightly proud to hold the honour of being the first North American organiser. The 2012 STI Conference is jointly organised by Science-Metrix and the Observatoire des sciences et des technologies (OST) and will be held at the Université du Québec à Montréal (UQAM) on September 5-8, 2012.
We received 146 propositions of contributions for the conference, both papers and posters. Some 70 papers were accepted for oral presentation, in addition to half as many posters. The main themes of the 2012 conference are: 1) theoretical, historical, practical and social aspects of S&T indicator development and use; 2) methodological aspects in the use of S&T indicators and the production of statistics and 3) use of S&T indicators in R&D management and S&T strategy development and evaluation.
We are pleased to announce that the program of 17th International Conference on Science and Technology Indicators (STI), to be held 5-8 September, 2012 in Montreal, Quebec, Canada, is now available at: <>
Registration information can be found at <>
Accommodation information is available at <>
For more information: info at <mailto:info at>
Hurry up, September is at our door!
We look forward to see you soon in Montreal.
Eric Archambault
Yves Gingras
Vincent Larivière
Conference Chairs
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