Goni, J; Corominas-Murtra, B; Sole, RV; Rodriguez-Caso, C. 2010. Exploring the randomness of directed acyclic networks. PHYSICAL REVIEW E 82 (6): art. no.-066115
Eugene Garfield
Sat Mar 26 13:43:02 EDT 2011
Goni, J; Corominas-Murtra, B; Sole, RV; Rodriguez-Caso, C. 2010. Exploring the
randomness of directed acyclic networks. PHYSICAL REVIEW E 82 (6): art. no.-
066115, Part 2.
Author Full Name(s): Goni, Joaquin; Corominas-Murtra, Bernat; Sole, Ricard V.;
Rodriguez-Caso, Carlos
Language: English
Document Type: Article
Abstract: The feed-forward relationship naturally observed in time-dependent
processes and in a diverse number of real systems-such as some food webs
and electronic and neural wiring-can be described in terms of the so-called
directed acyclic graphs (DAGs). An important ingredient of the analysis of such
networks is a proper comparison of their observed architecture against an
ensemble of randomized graphs, thereby quantifying the randomness of the real
systems with respect to suitable null models. This approximation is particularly
relevant when the finite size and/or large connectivity of real systems make
inadequate a comparison with the predictions obtained from the so-called
configuration model. In this paper we analyze two methods of DAG
randomization as defined by the desired combination of two topological
invariants (directed degree sequence and component distributions) aimed to be
preserved. A highly ordered DAG, called snake graph, and an Erdos-Renyi DAG
were used to validate the performance of the algorithms. Finally, three real
case studies, namely, the C. elegans cell lineage network, a Ph.D. student-
supervisor network, and the Milgram's citation network, were analyzed using
each randomization method. Results show how the interpretation of degree-
degree relations in DAGs with respect to their randomized ensembles depends
on the topological invariants imposed.
Addresses: [Corominas-Murtra, Bernat; Sole, Ricard V.; Rodriguez-Caso, Carlos]
Univ Pompeu Fabra PRBB, ICREA Complex Syst Lab, Barcelona 08003, Spain;
[Goni, Joaquin] Univ Navarra, Ctr Appl Med Res, Dept Neurosci, Funct
Neuroimaging Lab, E-31080 Pamplona, Spain; [Sole, Ricard V.] Santa Fe Inst,
Santa Fe, NM 87501 USA; [Sole, Ricard V.] CSIC, UPF, Inst Biol Evolut, E-
08003 Barcelona, Spain
Reprint Address: Rodriguez-Caso, C, Univ Pompeu Fabra PRBB, ICREA Complex
Syst Lab, Dr Aiguader 88, Barcelona 08003, Spain.
E-mail Address: carlos.rodriguez at upf.edu
ISSN: 1539-3755
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevE.82.066115
fulltext: http://pre.aps.org/abstract/PRE/v82/i6/e066115
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