Publications and citations by country (time series)

Nafise Dehghanpour n.dehghanpoor at GMAIL.COM
Wed Jan 26 05:19:50 EST 2011

Dear Phil Davis

I suggest two resources:

1. Top 20 Countries in ALL FIELDS, 1998-August 31, 2008, available in:

2. The report of Science-Metrix (30 years in science) via attachment.


Nafiseh Dehghanpour
Isfahan University of Technology
Phone: +98 311 3912563
Fax:     +98 311 3912528

On Mon, Jan 24, 2011 at 8:55 PM, Philip Davis <pmd8 at> wrote:

> Adminstrative info for SIGMETRICS (for example unsubscribe):
> I'm looking for a dataset that includes country-level data for number of
> publications and citations (i.e. reference length) for at least 10 years.
> The purpose of my request is to confirm a trend that I'm detecting in
> publications from authors located in sub-Saharan Africa.  If anyone is
> willing to share (or point me to a source), I'd be very appreciative.
> Thank you,
> Phil Davis
> --
> Philip M. Davis, Ph.D.
> Department of Communication
> 301 Kennedy Hall
> Cornell University, Ithaca, NY 14853
> email: pmd8 at
> phone: 607 255-2124
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