FW: Post of Bibliometric Partner Consultant
jonathan.adams at THOMSONREUTERS.COM
jonathan.adams at THOMSONREUTERS.COM
Tue Sep 7 04:34:28 EDT 2010
Dear Colleague
Evidence, a business of Thomson Reuters based in Leeds in the UK,
specialises in data analysis and consultancy focusing on the
international research base. We are seeking to recruit a consultant to
work with our Bibliometric Partners, in Europe and elsewhere.
This is a complex role with wide-ranging and varied responsibilities.
The post is sales-orientated but a key role for the successful applicant
will be to work with our bibliometric partners to help them develop
their business, so a significant background knowledge in research
policy, management or evaluation will be important. We are keen to
recruit a consultant who has significant experience related to the
business of research, in either an academic or commercial environment.
To reflect the networking role, our intention is that their first
language would not necessarily be English but they must have a strong
competency in two or more European languages.
The salary reflects the challenges of the post.
Please see the attached announcement for further details and how to
Jonathan Adams
Director, Research Evaluation
Evidence, a Thomson Reuters business
Healthcare & Science
Phone: +44 (0) 113 384 5680
Fax: +44 (0) 113 384 5874
e/ jonathan.adams at thomsonreuters.com <mailto:NAME at evidence.co.uk>
w/ www.evidence.co.uk
For more information on Building a world-class university: A Times
Higher Education and Thomson Reuters conference
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visit: www.timeshighereducation/worldclass
Thomson Reuters (Scientific) Ltd is a company incorporated under the laws of England and Wales (registered number 756619) having its registered office and address for service at Aldgate House, 33 Aldgate High Street, London, EC3N 1DL
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