Andonie, R; Dzitac, I. 2010. How to Write a Good Paper in Computer Science and How Will It Be Measured by ISI Web of Knowledge. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF COMPUTERS COMMUNICATIONS & CONTROL 5 (4): 432-446

Eugene Garfield garfield at CODEX.CIS.UPENN.EDU
Sat Nov 20 11:59:52 EST 2010

Andonie, R; Dzitac, I. 2010. How to Write a Good Paper in Computer Science 
and How Will It Be Measured by ISI Web of Knowledge. INTERNATIONAL 

Author Full Name(s): Andonie, R.; Dzitac, I.
Language: English
Document Type: Article

Author Keywords: scientific publication; publication assessment; plagiarism; 
reviewing; bibliometric indices
KeyWords Plus: IMPACT

Abstract: The academic world has come to place enormous weight on 
bibliometric measures to assess the value of scientific publications. Our paper 
has two major goals. First, we discuss the limits of numerical assessment tools 
as applied to computer science publications. Second, we give guidelines on how 
to write a good paper, where to submit the manuscript, and how to deal with 
the reviewing process. We report our experience as editors of International 
Journal of Computers Communications & Control (IJCCC). We analyze two 
important aspects of publishing: plagiarism and peer reviewing. As an example, 
we discuss the promotion assessment criteria used in the Romanian academic 
system. We express openly our concerns about how our work is evaluated, 
especially by the existent bibliometric products. Our conclusion is that we 
should combine bibliometric measures with human interpretation.

Addresses: [Andonie, R.] Cent Washington Univ, Dept Comp Sci, Ellensburg, WA 
98926 USA; [Andonie, R.] Transylvania Univ Brasov, Dept Elect & Comp, 
Brasov, Romania; [Dzitac, I.] Aurel Vlaicu Univ Arad, Dept Math Informat, Arad 
310330, Romania; [Dzitac, I.] Cercetare Dezvoltare Agora, Oradea, Romania

Reprint Address: Andonie, R, Cent Washington Univ, Dept Comp Sci, Ellensburg, 
WA 98926 USA.

E-mail Address: andonie at; ioan.dzitac at
ISSN: 1841-9836

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