Studies investigating the refusal rates of peer reviewing in journals

Gemma Derrick gjemma.derrick at SYDNEY.EDU.AU
Wed Jun 9 19:35:27 EDT 2010

Dear All,


We are wondering if someone would be able to help us locate a reference
regarding the refusal rates in peer reviewing in journals, or in other
words, how many potential reviewers decline the invitation to review a
paper or a research proposal.


Does anyone know of a study that investigated this?


Looking forward to your replies.


Kind regards,



Gjemma Derrick| BSc (Hons) MSc PhD (ANU)
Sydney Medical School | School of Public Health
The University of Sydney
Room 226a Edward Ford Building A27 | The University of Sydney | NSW |
T + 61 2 9114 1226 | F + 61 2 9351 7420 | M + 61 421 343 536 
E gjemma.derrick at  | W

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