Generating network overlays to Google Maps from Pajek files (geographical networks)

Loet Leydesdorff loet at LEYDESDORFF.NET
Wed Dec 30 03:06:25 EST 2009

Paj2KML for generating (Pajek) network overlays to Google Maps
at http:/// 

Paj2KML uses a 1-mode pajek file (.net) with geographical encodable labels
for generating a .kml file that can be used as an overlay to Google Maps (or
Google Earth). The procedure is as follows:

1. Save the Pajek network file as .net file using the default in Pajek; use
a DOS-based file name (? eight characters);

2. Use the labels for the geo-encoding, for example, at . (Choose the Google option.)

3. Save the results file using a simple (DOS-based) file name; for example,

4. Store the Pajek .net-file, the geo-information (e.g., geo.txt), and the
program in a single folder;

5. Run the program which prompts you for file names and generates
"citycoll.kml"; (if one runs the program in a DOS-box, one obtains an error
message if something goes wrong);

6. Upload the file at a web server; read it with Google Maps. (KML-files can
also be read directly into Google Earth.)

The output-file citycoll.kml is readable and can be changed with an ASCII
editor (such as NotePad). For example, one can wish to change the colors of
the lines or the shapes of the icons.

See for an axample at,-95.677068&sspn=50.644639,
79.013672&ie=UTF8&z=2 .  
The program is based on CityColl.exe and Geo2KML.exe. The former program
reads tagged-format files of the ISI Web-of-Science, and produces, among
other things, a file cities.txt which can be used directly for the
geo-encoding. See at

** apologies for cross-postings

Loet Leydesdorff 
Amsterdam School of Communications Research (ASCoR)
Kloveniersburgwal 48, 1012 CX Amsterdam.
Tel. +31-20-525 6598; fax: +31-842239111
loet at ; 

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