On the titles of articles

James Hartley j.hartley at PSY.KEELE.AC.UK
Wed Jan 2 05:02:49 EST 2008

Dear Colleagues

The current issue of The Write Stuff: The Journal for European Medical Writers (Vol 16, No 4, 2007) has the following articles on titles.

Copies can be obtained by e-mailing the authors.  My own paper covers the use of colons in titles - users practices and preferences...

Hartley, J.  Colonic titles (j.hartley at psy.keele.ac.uk)

Soler, V.  Medicine and linguistics: A necessary symbiosis in medical titles (insoler at criba.edu.ar)

Micic, S.  Titles of research articles: Serbian experience (smicic at ptt.yu)

Heywood, E & Chandler, V. Legal considerations in the selection of article, book and journal titles (Elaine.Heywood at bllaw.co.uk)

Langdon-Neuner, L.  Titles in medical articles: What do we know about them? (langdoe at baxter.com)

I also have available copies of a chapter on titles from my forthcoming book Academic writing & publishing if anyone wants one.

Happy new year!

James Hartley
School of Psychology
Keele University
j.hartley at psy.keele.ac.uk
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