Papers just published in Cybermetrics

Isidro F. Aguillo isidro at CINDOC.CSIC.ES
Wed Nov 14 07:26:33 EST 2007

The volume 11 of the electronic journal Cybermetrics is now completed 
with the following new three items just published:


Interdisciplinary relationships in the Spanish academic web space: A 
Webometric study through networks visualization
José Luis Ortega, Isidro F. Aguillo

The aim of this work is to describe the interdisplinary research 
relationships among several Spanish university departments and research 
groups located in the Spanish web space. 699 web sites from 2390 were 
selected according to whether a web site receives or links to at least 
one of the rest. The links between them were extracted with a commercial 
crawler in 2004 and then analysed to built a complex directed network of 
in-links and out-links. The results show that the Spanish academic web 
space is weakly interconnected both at the level of groups and 
departments, and that the relationships between disciplines can be 
appreciated through network graphs. The use of network graphs is a 
suitable technique to show the transversal relationships among 
disciplines and to detect incipient research fronts in the web space. 
The web presence of Experimental and Technological Sciences is higher 
than Social Sciences and Humanities as well.


MAXPROD - A New Index for assessment of the scientific output of an 
individual, and a comparison with the h-index
Marek Kosmulski

A new index termed Maxprod is defined as the highest value in the set 
of  ixci where ci is the number of citations of the i-th most cited 
paper of an individual. For most chemists who have published about 100 
papers, Maxprod is only marginally higher than h2 where h is the 
Hirsch-index. A substantial difference between Maxprod and h2 is 
observed for atypical distributions of ci.


The Challenge of Cybermetrics. Review of the Book: "The Knowledge-Based 
Economy: Modeled, Measured, Simulated" by Loet Leydesdorff
Gaston Heimeriks

Isidro F. Aguillo
Cybermetrics Lab

isidro @

Joaquín Costa, 22
28002 Madrid. Spain

34-91-5635482 ext 313

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