Jin's AR-index

Quentin L. Burrell quentinburrell at MANX.NET
Sat Mar 17 11:30:48 EDT 2007

One of the main attractions of the original h-index is its simplicity. Although it does have some merit, Jin's AR index loses this aspect. 

That the age of citations is important, was realised by Hirsch and for this reason I have proposed the rather simpler idea of considering an author's h-rate. This paper 
"Hirsch index or Hirsch rate? Some thoughts arising from Liang's data." is to appear in Scientometrics. Interested colleagues can request a preprint by emailing me at q.burrell at ibs.ac.im

Another paper relating to Jin's original idea of the h-core average is "On the h-index, the size of the Hirsch core and Jin's A- index" to appear in  Journal of Informetrics, and currently available online. Again, I can supply a preprint version.

Best wishes



Dr Quentin L Burrell
Isle of Man International Business School
The Nunnery
Old Castletown Road
Isle of Man IM9 4EX
via United Kingdom



----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Ronald Rousseau" <ronald.rousseau at KHBO.BE>
To: <SIGMETRICS at listserv.utk.edu>
Sent: Saturday, March 17, 2007 1:45 PM
Subject: [SIGMETRICS] Jin's AR-index

> Adminstrative info for SIGMETRICS (for example unsubscribe):
> http://web.utk.edu/~gwhitney/sigmetrics.html
> Dear colleagues,
> May I draw your attention to the latest issue of the ISSI Newsletter (vol.3,
> issue 1). Among other things it contains an interesting short contribution by
> Bihui Jin, namely a proposal for an Hirsch-type index which takes citations and
> their age into account.
> If you do not have access to the Newsletter you may find a link to this article
> on the first page of my website (users.telenet.be/ronald.rousseau). On this
> page I added some more links to articles related to h-type indices.
> Best regards,
> Ronald Rousseau
> -- 
> Ronald Rousseau,
> KHBO (Association K.U.Leuven)- Industrial Sciences and Technology
> Zeedijk 101    B-8400  Oostende   Belgium
> Guest Professor at the Antwerp University School for Library and Information
>   Science (UA - IBW)
> web page:  http://users.telenet.be/ronald.rousseau
> ----------------------------------------------------------------
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