Characterization of the Argentinian Web
Isidro F. Aguillo
isidro at CINDOC.CSIC.ES
Tue Jul 17 03:31:37 EDT 2007
Characterization of the Argentinian Web
Gabriel Tolosa, Fernando Bordignon, Ricardo Baeza-Yates, Carlos Castillo
Cybermetrics, 11 (2007), Issue 1, Paper 3
This article presents the results of research on the characterization of
the Argentinian web domain over a sample of almost 10 million web pages
from 150.000 sites collected in the early 2006. Particularly, we have
studied page contents, link structure and technologies used in the
construction of the sites. The results are consistent with earlier
research on other national web domains, where the same analysis
methodology has been used.
This study reveals a number of interesting facts: To begin with, there
is a significant proportion (97.6%) of “” domains with respect to
other second level domains. As regards page contents, we have found a
predominance of terms related to commercial activity. However, terms
found in site names, extracted from their URLs, are mostly related to
tourism. A large proportion of the pages (55%) do not have inbound links
coming from other sites in the “.ar” domain while a 30% do not have
outbound links. 72% of the pages have been created or modified in the
last year, which indicates that the Argentinian web space is growing
quickly. As for technologies, 48% of the pages from the sample are
static and 52% dynamic, the latter being mostly built using free tools
like PHP and Perl. Besides, 76% of the sites are hosted on servers
geographically located in Argentina. These two facts show there is an
important web-related technological development and communication
infrastructure in Argentina.
Isidro F. Aguillo
isidro @
Ph:(+34) 91-5635482 ext. 313
Cybermetrics Lab
Joaquin Costa, 22
28002 Madrid. SPAIN
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