The Performance of South African and Kenyan Universities on the World Wide Web: a Web Link Analysis
Isidro F. Aguillo
isidro at CINDOC.CSIC.ES
Tue Jul 17 03:29:39 EDT 2007
The Performance of South African and Kenyan Universities on the World
Wide Web: a Web Link Analysis
Omwoyo Bosire Onyancha, Dennis N. Ocholla
Cybermetrics, 11 (2007), Issue 1, Paper 2
The study used Link Analysis to compare Kenyan and South African
universities according to several Web-based indicators, some of which
include the number of pages, and the number of in and out-links. The
authors examined the external out-links in order to determine the
institutions targeted by South African and Kenyan universities. Also
investigated were the networks or links between universities. Web Impact
Factors (WIFs) were calculated and reported in order to compare the
universities’ web influence. Results indicate that Kenyan universities,
like most African universities, have embraced the Internet and its
constructs fairly recently, hence most of their websites are at initial
stages of construction. Comparatively, South African universities have
made remarkable progress in their web presence, which is at an advanced
stage of development, equaling counterparts in more developed countries.
The study recommends that regional webometric studies be conducted
periodically in order to investigate and map the web-related
developments of African universities. It concludes that African
universities, though not comparable to counterparts in developed
countries, can have their websites evaluated webometrically.
Isidro F. Aguillo
isidro @
Ph:(+34) 91-5635482 ext. 313
Cybermetrics Lab
Joaquin Costa, 22
28002 Madrid. SPAIN
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