New WoS interface

Pikas, Christina K. Christina.Pikas at JHUAPL.EDU
Mon Jul 2 09:24:37 EDT 2007

WRT what is possible/easy with the Web of Science interface, I just
attended a WebEx demonstration of the new interface that will come
online in parallel with the current interface in July-August, and as the
only interface from this Fall forward.

As of Thursday - they decided not to keep the "marked list" feature.
This seems to be a poor decision that will negatively impact the
workflow of the members of this list.  It seems that Thomson Scientific
is still working on the programming (for example, right now the marked
items do not stay marked from one page to the next within the results
set!), so it would probably be a good time for feedback.  I have a list
of items I will be providing feedback on but additional voices and a
proactive approach might help.

I think this url will take you to the WebEx sign up pages:

The WebEx is intended for librarians, so you might consider contacting
your friendly local librarian and asking her or him to represent you.

BTW- as far as I know, we only have web access to WoS at JHU.  I have
access to DIALOG, but I believe my research lab is the only JHU DIALOG

Christina K. Pikas, MLS 
R.E. Gibson Library & Information Center
The Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory 
Voice  240.228.4812 (Washington), 443.778.4812 (Baltimore) 
Fax 443.778.5353 

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