thank you

Karen Robinson krobin at JHMI.EDU
Mon Jul 2 08:48:22 EDT 2007

Thank you to those who responded to my query.
It is disappointing to hear that there is no easy solution but 
reassuring that I was not just being silly in not seeing a solution.

as a reminder, I am trying to do following:

Search for topic n yields documents A, B, C, D
A cites f, g, h
B cites x, y, z

I want to know if f cites g, f cites h, g cites h (etc) (building in a 
lag time but that's a whole other issue!).

Thanks to those who suggested checking out HistCite. I will do so.

Karen A. Robinson

Internal Medicine and Health Sciences Informatics, Medicine
Johns Hopkins University

1830 East Monument Street, Room 8069
Baltimore, MD 21287
410-502-9216 (voice)
410-955-0825 (fax)
krobin at

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