How often do economists self-archive? (fwd)

Stevan Harnad harnad at ECS.SOTON.AC.UK
Thu Feb 8 20:50:51 EST 2007

An important paper from Ted Bergstrom. -- SH

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Thu,  8 Feb 2007 19:10:14 EST
From: Ted Bergstrom <tedb at>
To: liblicense-l at
Subject: How often do economists self-archive?

I have just self-archived a new paper called "How often do 
economists self-archive?" by Rosemary Lavaty and me.

The paper can be found at

We sampled two recent issues of each of 33 economics journals, a 
total of about 700 articles.

We used google to search for a freely available paper on the web 
that has the same title and same author(s).

About 90 percent of the papers in the 15 most frequently cited 
journals are available.

About 50 percent of the remaining papers are available.  A 
similar study finds about 30 percent of the papers in political 
science.  We ran a linear regression in an attempt to identify 
the effects of author and journal characteristics on the 
propensity to post.  We comment on some related work and discuss 
the likely implications of widespread self-archiving for the 
pricing and profitability of subscription-based journals.

I promise that this is not the beginning of a series: "How often 
do economists xxxx", though I would not be averse to a series 
"How often do xxxx's self-archive.

Ted Bergstrom

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