Another error in Impact Factors?

Juan Miguel Campanario juan.campanario at UAH.ES
Mon Mar 6 05:51:53 EST 2006


Here is another problem with the calculation
of IF.
I just copied from the ISI Web of Science (JCR)



Journal Impact Factor

Cites in 2004 to articles published in: 2003 = 0    Number of articles
published in: 2003 = 88
                                                       2002 =
0                                                    2002 = 85
0                                                     Sum: 173
Calculation: Cites to recent articles  0 = 0.006
   Number of recent articles  173

Maybe I am using the wrong numbers, but I just copied from the JCR.
What happens here?

Juan Miguel Campanario
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Juan Miguel Campanario (

A solas mi vida paso, ni envidiado ni envidioso

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