Citation analysis question

Vladimir Pislyakov pislyakov at HSE.RU
Tue Aug 22 05:16:57 EDT 2006

Dear Dobri,

Perhaps it would be also useful to calculate chronological characteristics 
of the citations: citing half-life (which, unlike cited half-life, does not 
require information from other journals) and Price index.

Also you may try to get citing information from other journals using SSCI 
or Scopus. The fact that your journal is not indexed in these databases 
does not prohibit other sources to cite it and you to find these citations.

Hope this helps.

Best regards,

Vladimir Pislyakov 
Head of the Information Systems and Electronic Resources Department 
Higher School of Economics Library 
20 Myasnitskaya street 
Moscow, 101000 
Tel.: +7 (495) 6213785
Fax: +7 (495) 6287931
E-mail: pislyakov at 

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