Osca-Lluch, J; Haba, J "Dissemination of Spanish social sciences and humanities journals" JOURNAL OF INFORMATION SCIENCE 31 (3). 2005. p.230-237

Eugene Garfield garfield at CODEX.CIS.UPENN.EDU
Fri May 6 15:59:42 EDT 2005

Julia Osca-Lluch ; e-mail : M.Julia.Osca at uv.es

TITLE:          Dissemination of Spanish social sciences and humanities
                journals (Article, English)
AUTHOR:         Osca-Lluch, J; Haba, J
SOURCE:         JOURNAL OF INFORMATION SCIENCE 31 (3). 2005. p.230-237

ABSTRACT:       The presence of scholarly journals in international data
bases promotes the dissemination of research results and also facilitates
requests for specific articles or journals by end users. As scientists
seek optimal visibility for their work and wish their results to be
published in journals with high circulation, it is important to know
which are the leading journals within each scientific area. This paper
contains a bibliometric study of scientific journals in the areas of
Social Sciences and Humanities that are currently published in Spain,
together with information concerning their production and circulation in
the different national and international bibliographical data bases,
publisher, scientific discipline, impact factor, frequency of
publication, language and type of delivery used.

AUTHOR ADDRESS: J Osca-Lluch, UV CSIC, Inst Hist Ciencia & Documentac Lopez
                Pinero, Avda Blasco Ibanez 15, Valencia 46010, Spain

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