Lewison G, Hartley J What's in a title? Numbersof words and the presence of colons SCIENTOMETRICS 63 (2): 341-356 APR 2005

Isidro F. Aguillo isidro at CINDOC.CSIC.ES
Wed Jun 15 04:20:46 EDT 2005

Dear all:

Regarding these research topics, I would like to locate similar papers
about number of bibliographic references and the relation with impact of
the journals. Especially interested in global analysis, involving
evolution of the number of cited papers and discipliny-related differences.

Thanks in advance,

Eugene Garfield escribió:

>E-mail Addresses: g.lewison at soi.city.ac.uk
>Title: What's in a title? Numbers of words and the presence of colons
>Author(s): Lewison G, Hartley J
>Source: SCIENTOMETRICS 63 (2): 341-356 APR 2005

>Cited References: 30

>Isidro F. Aguillo
>isidro at cindoc.csic.es
>Ph:(+34) 91-5635482 ext. 313
>Laboratorio de Internet. CINDOC-CSIC
>Joaquin Costa, 22
>28002 Madrid. SPAIN

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