Chen, CM "Measuring the movement of a research paradigm " VISUALIZATION AND DATA ANALYSIS 2005 5669. 2005. p.63-76 SPIE-INT SOCIETY OPTICAL ENGINEERING, BELLINGHAM

Eugene Garfield eugene.garfield at THOMSON.COM
Tue Jun 14 16:35:04 EDT 2005

TITLE:          Measuring the movement of a research paradigm (Article,

AUTHOR:         Chen, CM

SOURCE:         VISUALIZATION AND DATA ANALYSIS 2005 5669. 2005. p.63-76

A research paradigm is a dynamical system of scientific
works, including their perceived values by peer scientists, and governed by
intrinsic intellectual values and associated citation endurance and decay.
Identifying an emerging research paradigm and monitoring changes in an
existing paradigm have been a challenging task due to the scale and
complexity involved. In this article, we describe an exploratory data
analysis method for identifying a research paradigm based on clustering
scientific articles by their citation half life and betweenness centrality
as well as citation frequencies. The Expectation Maximization algorithm is
used to cluster articles based on these attributes. It is hypothesized that
the resultant clusters correspond to dynamic groupings of articles
manifested by a research paradigm. The method is tested with three example
datasets: Social Network Analysis (1992-2004), Mass Extinction (1981-2004),
and Terrorism (19892004). All these subject domains have known emergent
paradigms identified independently. The resultant clusters are interpreted
and assessed with reference to clusters identified by co-citation links.
The consistency and discrepancy between the EM clusters and the link-based
co-citation clusters are also discussed.

AUTHOR ADDRESS: CM Chen, Drexel Univ, Coll Informat Sci & Technol, 3141
                Chestnut St, Philadelphia, PA 19104 USA

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