Related journals feature of Journal Citation Reports

Eugene Garfield eugene.garfield at THOMSON.COM
Thu Jul 21 13:39:13 EDT 2005

In the Journal Citation Reports for 2004 and retroactively as well for
2003 ISI has added a new feature to JCR which will appear to
Journalology aficionados. In a nutshell, starting with a given journal
title you can find a ranked list of journals that are most closely
related to it. The feature is explained in the help notes. The process
is ISI's application of the method described by Alexander Pudovkin of
Vladivostok and myself in the following paper:


 Pudovkin AI, Garfield E "Algorithmic procedure for finding semantically
related journals
rnals2002.html> "  
Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology
(JASIST) 53(13):1113-1119, November 2002.

Eugene Garfield, PhD. email:  garfield at 
home page: <> 


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