October 2004 Archives by author
Starting: Fri Oct 1 10:58:31 EDT 2004
Ending: Fri Oct 29 10:54:02 EDT 2004
Messages: 22
- Skram, U; Larsen, B; Ingwersen, P; Viby-Mogensen, J "Scandinavian research in anaesthesiology 1981-2000: visibility and impact in EU and world context" ACTA ANAESTHESIOLOGICA SCANDINAVICA, 48 (8): 1006-1013 SEP 2004
Eugene Garfield
- Bence, V; Oppenheim, C "The influence of peer review on the research assessment exercise" JOURNAL OF INFORMATION SCIENCE, 30 (4): 347-368 2004
Eugene Garfield
- Dominy, NJ "Publication and citation trends in the International Journal of Primatology: 1980-2003" INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PRIMATOLOGY, 25 (4): 751-754 AUG 2004
Eugene Garfield
- Moed, HF; Garfield, E "In basic science the percentage of 'authoritative' references decreases as bibliographies become shorter" SCIENTOMETRICS, 60 (3): 295-303 2004
Eugene Garfield
- Lederberg J. "Ricki Lewis' Law" SCIENTIST, 18 (15): 11-11 AUG 2 2004
Eugene Garfield
- Katerattanakul, P; Han, B. "Are European IS Journals under-rated? An answer based on citation analysis" EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF INFORMATION SYSTEMS, 12 (1): 60-71 MAR 2003
Eugene Garfield
- Nisonger, TE "Citation autobiography: An investigation of ISI database coverage in determining author citedness" COLLEGE & RESEARCH LIBRARIES, 65 (2): 152-163 MAR 2004
Eugene Garfield
- Velamoor N. "Proposed federal rule of Appellate procedure 32.1 to require that circuits allow citation to unpublished opinions" HARVARD JOURNAL ON LEGISLATION, 41 (2): 561-577 SUM 2004
Eugene Garfield
- Cunningham D. "Assessing and selecting journals for your library's core list" Information Outlook, 7(11):41-45, November 2003.
Eugene Garfield
- BMJ discussion of impact factors.
Garfield, Eugene
- FW:papers by Benoit Godin on S&T indicators.
Garfield, Eugene
- Handbook of Quantitative Science and Technology Research
Glanzel, Wolfgang
- Handbook of Quantitative Science and Technology Research
Glanzel, Wolfgang
- Open access questionnaire: Call for respondents (fwd)
Stevan Harnad
- OA advantage = EA + AA + QB + OA + UA
Stevan Harnad
- Do Open-Access Articles Have a Greater Research Impact? (fwd)
Stevan Harnad
- Let's dumb-up (journal citation) impact factors
Stevan Harnad
- Internet time and the reliability of search engines
Loet Leydesdorff
- Amsterdam Colloquia in Science & Technology Studies
Loet Leydesdorff
- Mapping of Korean document sets
Loet Leydesdorff
- Goldstein, et al. "Problems with fitting to the power-law distribution"
Steven A. Morris
- [OACI Working Group] Let's dumb-up (journal citation) impact factors
Last message date:
Fri Oct 29 10:54:02 EDT 2004
Archived on: Thu Jul 23 10:58:56 EDT 2015
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