Theoharakis V, Skordia M. "How do statisticians perceive statistics journals?" American Statistician 57(2):115-123 May 2003

Eugene Garfield garfield at CODEX.CIS.UPENN.EDU
Tue May 25 11:34:37 EDT 2004

Vasilis Theoharakis : theohar at

TITLE     How do statisticians perceive statistics journals?
AUTHOR    Theoharakis V, Skordia M

Document type: Article     Language: English     Cited References: 10
Times Cited: 1      Explanation

Since researchers and academic institutions are increasingly evaluated
based on their publication record in peer reviewed journals, it is crucial
to assess how the statistics community perceives statistics journals. This
study presents four subjective quality metrics of statistics journals as
expressed by different segments of statisticians. Based on a worldwide
sample of 2,190 statisticians, our findings indicate that the research
interest and geographic origin of the researcher have a significant impact
on journal perceptions, which are highly correlated with a journal's total
number of citations.

Author Keywords:
journal rankings, statistics research

Theoharakis V, ALBA, Athinas & Areos 2A, Athens 16671, Greece
ALBA, Athens 16671, Greece


IDS Number:


3.3 Perceptions Versus Objective Criteria of Journal Ranking
Apart from examining the perceptions about statistics journals, we also
considered the relationship between worldwide journal perceptions and
journal citations.  We therefore calculated the correlations of our
worldwide sample Inde with the Total Cites and Impact Factor (Total Cites
adjusted for the number of articles published in the two previous years) of
the 54 statistics journals included in the 2001 ISI Journal Citation
Reports. The correlation between Total Cites and Index is .84, whereas the
correlation between Impact Factor and Index is .56.  Although the Impact
Factor appears to be more meaningful as it was developed to eliminate the
bias towards large journals over small ones and older versus new ones, our
results indicate that journal perceptions are more closely related to the
total number of citations.  One eplanation might indeed be that perceptions
are influenced by a journal's volume of publication rather than its
impact.  But before arriving at such a conclusion and given that we observe
significant differences in journal perceptions among segments of
statisticians, one may reconsider the use of citation measures provided by
ISI; these measures do not focus on citations found in the statistics
literature or the specific research area within statistics, but include any
citation source available.  This concern has been raised by other
disciplines that have addressed the issue by conducting citation studies
using as the source for citations the most relevant journals of the
discipline rather than all available journals in a database (Aleander and
Mabry 1994).

The results of this survey shed some light on the perceptions of statistics
journals worldwide.  Findings indicate that although a leading set of
journals is highly perceived, a journal perceptions differ considerably
depending on the statistician's specific geographical origin, research
interests and employment type.  In addition, while some journals may not be
perceived as toptier journals overall, they are indeed useful to
researachers from specific research areas.  Furthermore, we found that
subjective journal perceptions are more related with a journal's total
number of citations rather than its citations impact factor.  This is an
issue that needs to be further examined by performing a citationanalysis
using as the source of citations only journals relevant to the particular
area of statistics.

Cited Author         Cited Work             Volume     Page        Year

 ALEXANDER JC          J FINANC                      49       697      1994
 BAILAR BA             J AM STAT ASSOC               83         1      1988
 BALTAGI BH            J APPL ECONOM                 14       423      1999
 GENEST C              CAN J STAT                    27       421      1999
 GENEST C              CAN J STAT                    25       427      1997
 GIBBONS J             AM STAT                       44       210      1990
 HULT G                J MARKETING ED                19        37      1997
 LANE J                AM STAT                       44         9      1990
 LUKE RH               J ACADEMY MARKETING           15        74      1987
 THEOHARAKIS V         MARKET LETT                   13       389      2002


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