Bonaccorsi A, Daraio C "Age effects in scientific productivity - The case of the Italian National Research Council (CNR)" SCIENTOMETRICS 58 (1): 49-90 2003

Eugene Garfield garfield at CODEX.CIS.UPENN.EDU
Thu Oct 30 14:38:12 EST 2003

Andrea Bonaccorsi : bonaccorsi at

TITLE    Age effects in scientific productivity - The case of the Italian
      National Research Council (CNR)
AUTHOR   Bonaccorsi A, Daraio C
JOURNAL  SCIENTOMETRICS 58 (1): 49-90 2003

Document type: Article     Language: English     Cited References: 35
Times Cited: 0

Age effects in scientific production are a consolidated stylised fact in the
literature. At the level of scientist productivity declines with age
following a predictable pattern. The problem of the impact of age structure
on scientific productivity at the level of institutes in much less explored.
The paper examines evidence from the Italian National Research Council. The
path of hiring of junior researchers along the history of the institution is
reconstructed. We find that age structure has a depressing effect on
productivity and derive policy implications. The dynamic of growth of
research institutes is introduced as a promising research field.

KeyWords Plus:

Bonaccorsi A, Lab Econ & Management, Piazza Martiri Liberta 33, I-56127
Pisa, Italy
Sant Anna Sch Adv Studies, Pisa, Italy


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