Reference power law question

Tobias Opthof t.opthof at MED.UU.NL
Wed Oct 29 13:12:30 EST 2003

Try Opthof and CoronelCardiovasc Res 2002: 56: 175-177. The PDF file is

Best wishes,

Tobias Opthof

> Does anyone out there know the earliest mention in the literature of the
> phenomenon that the frequency of references in a collection of journal
> papers tends to follow a power law?
> While there are other bibliometric distributions such as Lotka's Law and
> Bradford's Law that go back to the 1920's and 1930's, the earliest
> comprehensive treatment of reference distributions that I can find is a
> 1971 paper by Naranan(1).  Price's 1965 paper(2) makes passing mention
> of reference distributions having a power law exponent of 2.5 to 3.
> Did someone discuss reference distributions prior to Price's paper?
> Thanks,
> S. Morris
> 1. Naranan, S. "Power law relations in science bibliography - a
> self-consistent interpretation", J. Documentation, (27)2, 83-97, 1971
> 2. Price, D. "Networks of scientific papers", Science,
> 149(3683),510-515,  1965
> --
> ---------------------------------------------------------------
> Steven A. Morris                            samorri at
> Electrical and Computer Engineering        office: 405-744-1662
> 202 Engineering So.
> Oklahoma State University
> Stillwater, Oklahoma 74078


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