FW: counting citation using the Web of Science
Garfield, Eugene
Mon May 26 20:59:34 EDT 2003
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-----Original Message-----
From: Chuck Huber [mailto:huber at LIBRARY.UCSB.EDU]
Sent: Sunday, May 25, 2003 6:47 PM
Subject: Re: counting citation using the Web of Science
Dr. Regev
If you have the current version of Web of Science, which allows you to
combine answer sets, you can do the following:
1) Do a Cited Reference search on your author as the Cited Author. Note
that you may have to do some weeding to get just the desired author if
there is more than one author in the database with the same last name and
initials. Note too, that Web of Science will only list a paper for a given
cited author if he/she is the first author OR if the cited paper was
itself indexed in Web of Science so that they can cross-reference it from
the first author.
2) In General Search, do an Author search on your Author.
3) Click on Combine Searches and search #1 NOT #2
The number of hits in answer set #3 will be the best version of the answer
you want that is obtainable in Web of Science.
You can do a somewhat more sophisticated and accurate version of this
search using SciSearch (and possibly CAPLUS and other databases) on STN,
but you'll have to pay by the search and that can get expensive.
Chuck Huber
Davidson Library
University of California Santa Barbara
huber at library.ucsb.edu
On Sun, 25 May 2003, haya regev wrote:
> Can you please tell me how to get the number of citations of an
> author, (using the Web of Science), without the self citations?
> I need an automatic way, if there is one.
> thank you,
> Dr. Haya Regev, librarian
> Aranne Library Tel. 972-8-6461422
> Ben-Gurion University Fax 972-8-6472940
> P.O.Box 653
> Beer-Sheva 84105
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